




(Links to other pages are at the bottom.)


Permanent and occasional directors are distinguished in the Recording Listing.





Aamot, Mark: 1436, 1437

Abbott, Stephen: 2655

Abercrombie, E. Wayne: 2357, 2819

Abrahams, G.: 1896

Abravanel, Maurice: 2520

Ackerley, Julian: 2351

Adams, F. John: 2124, 2945

Adams, Lydia: 2941, 3459

Adelmann, Dale: 1565, 2462, 2795

Adler, Samuel H.: 3357, 3446

Albinder, Frank: 2979

Alcock, Walter G.: 3502

Alexander, John: 2522, 2775

Alldis, John: 40, 361

Allen, James S.: 2326

Allen, Larry: 540

Allinson, David: 2410

Allred, Brady R.: 2621

Allwood, Peter: 1960, 2031

Allwood, Ralph: 1480, 1792, 1957, 2339, 2508, 2525, 2531, 2568, 3077

Alvery, Betty: 2860

Alwes, Chester L.: 1507

Ancell, Noel: 3212

Anderson, David L.: 663

Anderson, Gillian B.: 1614

Anderson, Edward: 507, 2005

Anderson, Frances: 2431

Anderson, Jeff: 2776

Anderson, Noel: 3134

Anderson, Robert: 3055

Anderson, Stefan: 1032

Andrews, Herbert R.: 310, 3528

Antonini, Alfredo: 181

Applegate, Dean: 1209, 2106

Appling, William: 2057

Arant, Pierce: 3457

Archer, Malcolm D.: 749, 2438, 3049, 3123, 3124, 3262, 3318, 3389

Archer, Susan: 3079

Argent, Christopher: 756

Armstrong, Anton: 1236, 1244, 1321, 1325, 1392, 1394, 1834, 1970, 2411, 2412, 2413, 2488

Armstrong, Stephen: 1063

Armstrong, T. Barrett, Rev.: 3163, 3164

Arnatt, Ronald K.: 55

Arnold, Eric: 198

Ashworth-Gam, Jean: see Bartle, Jean Ashworth

Aspden, Dunean: 2063

Aston, Peter: 324, 336

Atchison, Scott H.: 2999, 3001, 3400

Atkinson, Geoffrey: 539

Augenblick, John: 2819

Aune, Gregory J.: 1834

Auteurith, James P.: 3184

Ayer, John: 1033, 1100, 1150, 1328, 1359, 1627, 2102, 2459, 3494

Ayres, Paul: 3322, 3323, 3423



Babcock, Christopher: 1114

Backhaus, Frederick: 2373, 2652, 3387

Backhouse, Jeremy: 1650, 1770, 1788, 3583

Badea, Christian: 3180

Bagley, Peter: 1771

Bailey, Donald: 1546, 2716

Bailey, Tom: 804

Bainbridge, Mary: 3265

Baker, Martin: 2866, 3436, 3575

Baker, Michael: 121

Baker, William O.: 1330, 1386

Bal, Jeroen: 2268, 2687

Balcombe, Richard: 2798

Baldock, Sarah: 2324

Bales, Gerald A.: 394

Bales, Richard: 1812

Ball, Ian: 3100

Bandfield, Lawrence: 1399

Banks, Eric: 2757

Bantock, Granville: 2648

Barber, Stephen: 2514

Barbieri, Edward: 2542

Barbirolli, John: 1037, 1362

Barkema, Martha: 3267

Barley, Peter: 2564

Barnard, William: 1097

Barnes, Philip: 3585

Barney, Robert: 1418

Barrett, Karin: 2522

Barron, John: 1061

Barsby, Robert: 3465

Bartholomew, Betty Jean: 1158

Bartle, Jean Ashworth (Ashworth-Gam): 983, 1047, 1050, 1713, 1737, 1778, 2609

Bartlett, David: 2892

Barton, Christopher: 568

Basbas, Louise: 1930

Bate, John: 210

Bate, John Gregory: 1810

Bath, John: 701

Beachy, Morris J.: 832, 1423

Beamon, Kim: 1201

Beard, Gary: 2457

Beaumont, Kerry: 1753, 3223

Beaver, Gordon A.: 2220

Beavens, Joan: 3299

Becker, John W.: 2606

Beckstead, Sharon L.: 639

Beckstrand, William: 3031

Bedford, Robert W.: 2021

Beebe, Julia R.: 1579

Beegle, Raymond: 897

Beemster, Gerard: 2977

Beer, Stuart: 2321

Beinema, Marvin: 2120

Belcher, John: 1673

Bell, Christopher: 3536

Bell, Robert Hunter: 148, 422, 1344, 1841

Bender, Mark: 2839

Bennett, J. Scott: 3422

Bennett, Robert C.: 866

Ben-Yohanan, Dafna: 1651

Berg, Ken: 2837

Berglund, Robert D.: 1434, 1435, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1472, 1478, 1479

Bergsten, May Lynn: 1775

Bergt, Robert R.: 2839, 3151

Berkey, Almeda: 2595, 2596, 3213

Bernius, Friedes: 3256, 3257, 3258, 3259, 3260, 3261

Bernstein, Leonard: 3352

Bernt, Lisette: 2401

Berryman, Edward D.: 1233, 2380

Bertalot, John: 1102, 1103, 1319, 1329, 1331, 2314, 2315, 2472, 2473

Bertini, Gary: 118

Best, Hubert: 559

Best, Matthew: 370, 371, 426, 597, 1016

Betteridge, Stephen: 3215

Betty, Robert K.: 640

Bichel, Daryl: 2450

Bielby, Jonathan L.: 428, 1067, 2865

Biester, Allen G.: 1799

Billups, Edgar: 1661

Binsfeld, John, III: 1128, 2071

Birch, John: 13, 264, 308, 3177, 3179

Biser, Larry G.: 925, 1338, 1368

Bishop, Christopher: 625

Blachly, Alexander: 1968, 2109

Black, Fergus: 2687

Blagoeva, Adriana: 3287

Blake, Virginia T.: 2965

Blodgett, Walter: 461

Blumbein, David: 3449

Blyden-Taylor, Brainerd: 2144, 3244

Bock, Fred: 946

Bode, Robert: 3544

Bodinger, John: 1243

Boehlke, Steve: 966

Bojesen, Michael: 2181

Boles, Frank W.: 452, 1101, 1158, 1600, 2461, 2888, 3438

Bolton, Ivor: 1495

Bond, Richard: 651

Bondarenko, Oleksandr: 3252

Bonds, Samuel L. E.: 629, 1660

Bonner, Gary: 948

Boots, Frederic W.: 1080

Borden, James: 141

Bostock, Douglas: 3278

Boucher, Robert: 2916, 2917, 2918

Boughen, Robert: 616

Boult, Adrian: 1925

Bourne, Edmund: 1902

Bowen, Geraint: 512

Bowen, Kenneth: 1748

Bower, Richard: 900

Bowers-Broadbent, Christopher: 2626

Boyter, Haskell: 2134

Brabbins, Martyn: 2319, 3429

Bradford, Barlow: 1680

Bradley, Elise: 2707

Bradley, John: 163, 164

Bragg, George: 52, 178, 299, 1267, 2738

Bramma, Harry: 520, 562, 1364, 2539, 3056, 3158

Branton, T. Ray: 1126

Braud, Dominic: 1623

Brayne, Christopher: 1036, 1596

Breen, Kermit T.: 402

Brendel, Carol: 2858

Brensinger, David D.: 1017, 2893

Brett, Charles: 2033

Brewer, Michael: 2333, 2599, 2628

Brewer, Richard H.: 468

Brewer, Robert: 2357, 2371, 2372, 2431, 2765

Bridge, J. Frederick: 393, 415, 593

Briggs, David: 856, 2453

Brinegar, Donald: 2689

Britten Benjamin: 88, 286, 3388

Broadbent, Peter: 1407, 1594, 1681, 1744, 1938, 2205, 2574, 3020

Brockless, Brian: 3055

Brooks, Tamara: 400, 1963

Brophy, James; 1902

Brorson, Jo Ann: 2758

Brough, Paul: 1013

Brown, Charles P.: 3335

Brown, David Burton: 1127, 1129

Brown, Elaine: 1808

Brown, Gordon A.: 2203

Brown, John T.: 2362, 2363

Brown, Julie Vidrick: 1180

Brown, Kyler: 1117

Brown, Mark: 129, 516, 1816, 1871, 1872, 3086, 3098

Brown, Ray F.: 1257

Brown, Timothy: 694, 963, 1022, 1274, 1354, 1862, 2101, 2499, 2588, 2628, 2629, 2938, 3560, 3578

Browne, Bruce: 1827, 2717

Brownstead, Frank: 810

Bruce, Neely: 509, 1710

Bruffy, Charles: 1367, 1782

Brumit, Charlotte: 3325

Brumley, Dianne: 2712

Brunelle, Philip: 435, 669, 890, 1118, 1456, 1761, 2167

Brunton, Barry: 449, 1060, 3116

Bryan, James E.: 3192

Bryant, Donald: 674

Bryant, Giles: 147, 149, 150, 179, 294, 368, 1693, 1694, 3079

Buchanan, Betty: 2165

Buhagiar, Dion, Rev.: 3253, 3254

Bullock, Ernest: 341, 419, 913

Bunny, Herrick: 182

Buratto, Alan: 2602

Burdick, Owen: 1785

Burgess, Grayston: 1620, 2047, 2210, 2562, 2952, 3009

Burgess, Russell: 307

Burgomaster, Frederick: 97, 251, 458, 507, 632, 633, 1971

Burgon, Geoffrey: 1320

Burke, Samuel: 2605

Burmeister, Frances Gress: 2248

Burns, James, M., Rev.: 2558

Burt, Nicholas: 1281

Burton, Kim: 1839

Burton, Oliver: 3365

Burton, Robert: 158

Bushouse, Pam: 2776

Butler, J. Melvin: 1602

Butterworth, David: 2118

Byles, G. Huntington: 140

Byram-Wigfield, Timothy: 2374, 3281



Cairns, Peter: 3481

Calan, Josephine McGarry: 680

Callahan, Charles: 2074

Callaway, Paul: 43, 95, 96, 381, 823, 1153, 1696, 2022, 2148, 3159

Campbell, Jeffrey: 2891

Campbell, Neal: 2796

Campbell, Sydney S.: 80, 232

Cansler, Craig: 2933

Cantrijn, Walther: 3210

Cantrill, Andrew: 2348, 3198

Capon, Michael: 2934

Cape, Safford: 2640

Caporizzo, Virginia: 1568

Caprio, John-Michael: 1942

Carabetta, Samuel: 1002

Carter, Andrew: 3350

Carter, Nathan: 1423

Carwood, Andrew: 1697, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1870, 1940, 1988, 2140, 2335, 2336, 2426, 2492, 2565, 2778, 2935, 3026, 3272, 3514

Cast, Lloyd E., Jr.: 445, 487, 488, 779, 780, 794, 1278, 1692

Cave, Philip: 1460, 2088

Chancellor, Robert: 401

Chaney, Harold: 1265

Chaplin, Alexander D.: 2090

Chapman, James G.: 1613, 1624, 1625, 1626, 2130

Cha-Pyo, Helen H.: 2463, 2469, 3248

Chenault, Raymond H.: 172, 508, 997, 3080

Cherepow, Anne: 3500

Christiansen, Olaf C.: 991

Christiansen, Paul J.: 1525, 2030

Christophers, Harry: 869, 1258, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1890, 1891, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1976, 2009, 2650, 2651, 2971, 3393, 3412, 3558

Cimino, Frank T.: 1135, 2311, 2312

Ciotti, Paul: 1514

Clark, Barry: 722

Clark, Clifford: 166

Clark, Gordon St. John: 356

Clark, Saville: 967

Clarke, John: 3082

Clarke, Kevin M.: 2455, 2456, 2814, 3421

Clary, Salone T., Sr.: 1397, 1412

Clausen, Rene: 1326, 1327, 1541, 1542, 1544, 1738, 1834, 2276, 3368

Cleerman, Judith: 1779

Clemencic, Rene: 2404

Cleobury, Nicholas: 106, 1495

Cleobury, Stephen J.: 613, 912, 1011, 1055, 1058, 1630, 2178, 2184, 2185, 2481, 2871, 2929, 3476

Clinton, Gordon: 65

Clurman, Judith: 2882

Clyburn, Selwyn W.: 2639

Cochrane, Denis: 775

Cockroft, Christine: 3091

Coffey, Richard M.: 1759, 2225, 2287, 2288, 2289

Cohen, Joel: 1766, 1773

Cole, Gary: 788

Collett, Barry: 1284, 3095

Collingwood, Laurence: 795

Collins, Don L.: 3483

Collins, J. Bembrey: 373, 374

Condie, Richard P.: 296, 369, 495, 1522, 2136, 2219, 2741, 2982

Connnelly, Richard: 207

Conrad, Mark: 1094

Conte, Peter Richard: 1125, 1217, 2046, 2200

Cook, Donald F.: 424, 3072, 3073

Cooke, Richard: 852

Cooper, David: 1490

Cooper, Gary: 2811

Copeland, Garnell Stuart: 857

Copido, Walter: 1899

Copley, Edith A.: 1215

Corcoran, K. Bryon: 1300

Cornwall, J. Spencer: 1140, 1708, 1709

Corp, Ronald: 2253, 2943, 3348, 3395, 3413

Corson, Floyd: 646

Corwin, George: 2701

Cotton, Christopher: 2678

Couch, Duncan: 1819, 2154

Cousins, Mervyn: 1753, 2323, 3304

Coward, Henry: 338, 349, 365, 376, 590

Cowhig, Tom: 3508

Cox, Geoffrey: 648

Cox, Richard: 2972

Crabb, Michael: 706

Creed, Marcus: 2641

Creed, Neville: 2113

Crickmore, Nicola: 2939

Crisp, Stephen A.: 186, 250, 2020, 3005

Crosier, Carl C.: 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207

Crossland, Anthony: 325, 552, 867, 2053, 2604

Crowell, Allen C., Jr.: 2970, 3407

Crowther, Peter: 3477

Cullen, Joseph: 3429, 3446

Cummings, Laurence: 2906

Cummins, John: 2703

Curran, Louis J.: 604

Curry, Richard: 2556

Czervirske, David: 2603



Dahle, O. B.: 2326

Dahlin, Walter O.: 1618

Dailey, Darren: 3215

Dakers, Lionel: 205

Daley, Eleanor: 2940, 3525

Dams, Julian: 3462

Daniel, David: 460

Daniel, Huw: 2925

Daniel, Paul: 2166

Darke, Richard: 523

Darling, James S.: 1408, 3104

Darlington, Stephen: 326, 515, 611, 676, 745, 858, 1001, 1551, 1934, 1967, 2018, 2035, 2094, 2270, 2286, 2464, 2922, 3200, 3249, 3269

Darr, Carolyn: 1038

Dashnaw, Alexander: 739

Daubney, Brian Blyth: 2160, 2161

Davidson, David R.:1161, 1162, 1163

Davies, Henry Walford: 346, 353, 366, 375, 377, 807, 1053, 3501, 3522

Davies, Jeffrey Wynn: 2065, 2503

Davies, John: 1237

Davies, Meredith: 637

Davies, Noel: 697

Davies, Non: 3462

Davies, Peter Maxwell: 79

Davis, John A., Jr.: 1080, 1145

Davis, Kenneth: 1545, 2711, 3446

Davis, Michael: 531

Davis, Paul: 2414

Davis, Peter 1932

Davis, Walter W.: 1427

Dawson, Herbert: 417

Dawson, William L.: 627

Dearnley, Christopher H.: 2, 19, 27, 49, 50, 75, 432, 2137, 3122, 3502, 3503, 3504

Deasey, Michael: 1007, 1464, 3468

Decker, Harold: 793

DeCormier, Robert: 437, 498

DeFries, Stanley: 3442

de Graauw, Henri: 2555

DeHaven, Frederic: 1174

DeHorn, Natalie: 1775

Deiss, Lucien: 1801, 2671

de Kermel, Georges: 2951

Delaney, Dennis Bernard: 1024

de Leeuw, Reinbert: 2530

Deller, Alfred: 38, 89, 101, 145, 146, 167, 193, 228, 244, 287, 1156, 1395,

1422, 1425, 1876, 2209, 2213, 2683

Deller, Mark: 2049

Dello Joio, Norman: 2244

Delorey, John: 1556

Demas, John: 2134

Denza, Mark: 2709

de Paur, Leonard: 1767, 2029, 2188, 2216, 3443

de Revere, E. Jon: 2345, 2669

Detrick, Amy: 2855

Detrick, Danny: 2855

Dettwiler, Peggy: 3406

DeVaron, Lorna Cooke: 542, 821

Devoe, Romaldo: 2237

Dewey, Malcolm H.: 1929

Dexter, Jeffrey D.: 2048

Dexter, John (Ireland): 811, 2898, 2899

Dexter, John (USA): 298

Dickau, David C.: 3023

Dickinson, Dorothy: 726

Dieckmann, Adele: 1605

Dietterich, Philip R.: 936

Dillard, Donald E.: 3004

Dimmock, Jonathan: 1702

Dirksen, Richard Wayne: 36, 96, 430, 635, 2148

Dittmer, Petronella: 3094

Dixon, A. Capel: 3523

Dixon, Alistair: 1959, 2026, 2027, 2756, 3140, 3403, 3515

Dixon, Carleen Hardesty: 965

Djikstra, Bouwe R.: 2370, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2914

Djikstra, Peter: 2421, 3226

Dobson, Eric J.: 2047

Dole, Sanford: 2150

Donn, Richard A., US Navy: 3110

Dorroh, James: 462, 463

Douglas, Deidre: 2857

Downes, Peter: 609

Dox, Thurston: 2394

Drake, Alan: 3088

Drinkell, David: 733, 1533, 1717

Drinkwater, David: 543

Dube, Danielle: 2620

DuBois, Peter: 2910, 2911, 2912

Duckworth, Harry: 372, 743, 1306, 3482

Duffy, Francis X., Rev.: 1928

Duffy, Philip E.: 572, 603, 791, 3064

Duley, Mark: 2108, 2470, 2491

Dunleavy, Lee G. K.: 2902

Dunn, Courtland E., Jr.: 1249

Dunnett, David: 2523

Dvonch, Frederick: 1918

Dwyer, Mark: 2500, 3330

Dyer, David: 2854

Dykes Bower, John: 247, 267, 318, 354, 1052, 3097



Eaton, Denise: 2856

Eden, Conrad: 3336

Edison, Noel: 2250, 2645, 3006, 3329

Edmundson, Morna: 1044, 1385, 1835, 2749

Edwards, Chadwick J.: 1383, 1398

Edwards, Nigel: 3091

Edwards, Terry: 700, 3568

Edwards, Vincent H.: 3201, 3286

Eichenberger, Richard B.: 2405

Elliott, Graham: 730, 2547, 2549, 3238

Elliott, Martin: 2007

Ellis, Paul: 3462

Emerson, Michael: 3508

Engbrecht, Henry: 2440

Engelhardt, Mark T.: 1662

Englert, Eugene E.: 1528

Entriken, William: 1120, 2122

Epps, Harding, Jr.: 1293

Erb, James: 1665

Erickson, Karle: 3358

Errante, C. Steven: 2948



Facer, Charles: 1820, 2154

Fankhauser, James: 1051, 2352

Farmer, Stephen: 1805

Farr, Brett: 2854

Farrell, Scott: 1363, 3361

Farrell, Sean: 2693

Farrell, Timothy: 1690

Fedor, David E.: 1034

Fellows, Edward H.: 3501

Fenstermaker, John, Jr.: 42, 111, 583, 584, 704, 1696, 1780, 1781, 2341, 2685, 2984

Fenton, Mark: 1587

Ferguson, Barry: 564, 565, 1068, 1224, 3480

Ferguson, David: 3431

Ferguson, John: 291, 1027, 1392, 1393, 1720

Ferris, William: 823, 1323, 1510, 1511, 1917, 2510, 2511, 2835, 3313, 3314

Fetler, David: 76, 1243

Field-Hyde, Margaret: 438

Fielding, Thomas: 3573

Filsell, Jeremy: 710

Finney, John: 2585

Finzi, Christopher: 102

Fisher, Jerrold: 480, 482, 484, 485

Fisher, Roger: 223, 750, 1295, 1955

Fissinger, Edwin R.: 2758

Flanig, Martin: 1714

Fleet, Edgar: 1871

Fleischman, John, Jr.: 2862, 3407

Fleming, Charles Woodrow: 2665

Fleming, Larry L.: 1384, 1400, 1404, 1405, 1406, 2080, 2081, 2082, 3368

Fleming, Michael: 60, 580, 2047, 2210

Fletcher, Andrew: 64

Fletcher, John: 645, 702

Flood, David: 971, 972, 1584, 1883, 2634, 2642, 2677, 3249

Flummerfelt, Joseph: 860, 1801, 3180

Foley, Brian: 1657, 2040

Forbes, Donald H.: 2359, 3195

Forbes, Elliot: 1573, 1574, 1578, 1579

Ford, John: 1049

Foss, Lukas: 1585

Foster, Carol: 507

Foster, Thomas: 507, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1273, 2078, 2751, 3008

Fothringham, Lionel Stewart: 2275

Fountain, Robert: 1334, 3451

Franklin, J. Scott: 1654

Freist-Wissing, Karin: 2768

Frendo, George Joseph, Rev.: 2812, 2813

Freng, Murrae: 2326

Freudigman, Eric: 2128

Frisbie, Robert: 183

Fritschel, James E.: 2257, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303

Froggatt, Anthony: 626, 3530

Frost, Ronald: 3107

Froude, Rufus: 3582

Frye, Merton B.: 2072

Fullington, Doug: 2831

Funfgeld, Greg: 2730

Furnivall, Anthony C.: 631

Fyfe, Peter M.: 1089



Gabb, Harry: 1689

Gailey, Dan: 2776

Gallienne, John: 292, 293, 423, 2070

Gameson, Paul: 3217, 3359

Gant, Andrew: 2234, 2546, 2548

Gardelli, Lamberto: 2871

Garden, Edward: 3117

Gardiner, John Eliot: 117, 165, 220, 1757

Gardner, Patrick: 2643

Gardner, Stuart: 2173

Garrett, Joyce: 781

Gaskins, Augustus: 373

Gatens, William J.: 1285

Gedge, David: 1954, 2269

Genhart, Herman H.: 2568

George, Vance: 2482, 2780

Gerhardt, Charles: 1767

Gibala, Richard P.: 3439

Gibbons, John: 734

Gibbs, Thomas: 1090, 1440

Gibbs, Trevor: 1276

Gifford, Douglas: 754, 879, 3043, 3468

Gilbert, Harold W.: 3310, 3311, 3312

Gilbert, Nina: 1318

Gilchrist, Alden: 941, 1268

Gill, Wayne: 2173

Gillham, Paul: 2770

Gilliland, Wesley: 1438

Gingras, Normand: 655

Glenn, Gregory A.: 2014, 2015

Gloyd, Russell: 1660, 3568

Gobdych, Mykola: 1776

Godfrey, Peter: 170, 277, 278, 427, 491, 882, 883, 884, 2557, 2632

Godward, Stephen: 2798

Goebel, Reinhard: 2061

Goepfert, Andreas: 2107

Golladay, Mary Jean: 1412

Goodall, Richard: 899

Goodwin, John Daly: 3274

Goodwin, Paul: 2318, 3497

Gordon, Michael: 1949

Gormley, Michael: 3291

Gossett, Kristin: 2854

Gough, Rupert: 1823

Gould, Peter: 837

Gould, Ronald L.: 3017

Gower, Christopher: 527, 732, 753, 1632, 1677, 2452, 3114

Graden, Gary: 1998

Graham, Melva Treffinger: 1628

Grant, Russell: 1339, 1340

Grantier, Brooks: 1604

Grasman, Rudolf: 2802

Grave, Michael: 3034, 3035

Gray, Christopher: 2498

Gray, Stuart: 1747

Green, Adam: 1932

Green, Douglas N.: 507

Green, Philip: 824, 1164

Greenall, Matthew: 984, 1320, 1644

Greenberg, Noah: 1794, 1795, 2131

Greening, Richard: 189, 3041, 3179

Grefsheim, Liz: 1159

Gregory, Jonathan: 1688, 2002

Gregoryk, Joan: 600, 2238, 2585

Gretton, Philip: 1653

Grier, Francis: 695, 705, 3250

Griffin, Richard J.: 1579

Griggs-Janower, David: 1505, 1506

Grindle, Harry: 3417

Groh, Jack: 1639

Gronostay, Uwe: 1914

Groves, Charles: 75

Grylls, Karen L.: 1376, 2557, 2707, 2708, 2736

Guenther, Eileen: 496, 829

Guest, Douglas A.: 14, 35, 40, 677, 3502, 3503, 3504

Guest, George: 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 32, 80, 110, 134, 152, 153, 168, 203, 224, 284, 467, 992, 1763, 2123, 2251

Guidotti, Don Haines: 2962

Gwazdz, Lee: 2460



Haas, David: 1159

Hadfield, Donald: 1419

Hagar, Francis E.: 499

Haglin, G. A.: 1950

Haig, Susan: 594

Hairston, Jester: 2970, 3511

Hale, Paul: 1749, 2235, 3209

Haliday, Malcolm: 3400

Hall, DeLise: 1272

Halley, Paul: 1235, 2054, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830

Halliday, Dianne: 865

Halliday, Donald: 2347

Hallock, Peter R.: 605, 606, 1152, 1601, 2673, 2953, 3489

Halsey, Louis: 28, 80, 104, 105, 109, 151, 180, 245, 982, 1563, 1765, 2521

Halsey, Simon: 623, 849

Halvorson, Karl: 703

Hamilton, Jerald: 507

Hamilton, Robert G.: 2400, 3266

Hancock, Eugene: 721

Hancock, Gerre: 44, 45, 46, 53, 120, 459, 537, 839, 955, 1018, 1485, 2036, 2188, 2207, 2695, 2797, 2810, 3492

Handley, Vernon: 1026, 3419

Hanken, Kare: 2369

Hannah, Orlandus: 1519

Hansen, Kurt R.: 1433

Hansen, Mary Louise: 1426

Hanson, D. George: 1431, 1432

Hanson, Donald: 48

Hanson, Edgar: 133, 162, 1251

Hanson, Howard H.: 2568

Hanson, Sally: 1215

Hardick, Trevor: 1900, 1903

Harper, John: 238, 411, 526, 740, 741, 1297, 1307, 1308, 1813, 1886, 3461

Harper, Mason: 1293

Harrer, Uwe Christian: 711

Harrington, Sharon: 2085

Harris, Julian: 1964

Harris, Llywela: 177, 525, 746

Harris, Michael: 2180

Harris, Robert A.: 3374

Harris, Thomas G., Rev.: 2170

Harris, William H.: 343, 350, 351, 3501, 3528

Harrison, Benjamin, Rev.: 2174

Harrison, Frank L.: 2047`

Harrison, Joel: 507

Harsanyi, Nicholas: 2518

Hart, Walter: 3134

Hartie, John: 3539

Hasseler, Lynda R.: 3347

Haugen, Marty: 1636

Hausmann, Charles: 2575

Hawkins, Margaret: 1585

Hayes, Morris D.: 2356

Hayes, Samuel: 3567

Hayward, Nigel: 3463

Hearn, David R.: 578

Heath, Fenno: 2155

Heberlein, Frank A.: 1953

Hedges, Roy W.: 1448

Heffley, Rosemary: 2715

Heggie, Colin: 2283

Heider, Anne: 2522

Heijblok, Evert: 2285

Heise, Ross K.: 1507

Helbich, Wolfgang: 2931

Heltay, Laszlo: 450

Hemmenway, John: 2714

Hemphill, Barry: 1949

Hempton, Leonie: 2623

Henderson, Charles N.: 1656

Henderson, James: 3363

Hendrickson, Peter A.: 1269, 1834, 3021, 3022

Hennings, Patricia: 2100, 2179, 2329, 2330, 2700, 3512

Herdman, Derrick: 88

Herr, John D.: 1337

Hershey, Hiram: 2967

Hewitt, Godfrey: 173

Hews, Richard: 2909

Hiatt, Iva Dee: 793, 1423

Hickox, Richard: 3, 47, 75, 113, 493, 585, 690, 961, 1744, 1938, 2147, 2205, 2284, 2690, 3297

Hicks, Roy Edward: 628

Hiester, Richard, Rev.: 3343

Higginbottom, Edward: 687, 715, 718, 825, 861, 919, 1008, 1009, 1040, 1046, 1056, 1069, 1195, 1263, 1414, 1842, 1879, 1894, 1936, 1937, 2137, 2334, 2476, 2686, 3204

Hildner, Victor G.: 2419, 3454

Hill, Bruce Kirkpatrick: 2942

Hill, David: 426, 1014, 1057, 1182, 1279, 1375, 1517, 1593, 1733, 1877, 1895, 2012, 2064, 2151, 2223, 2226, 3054, 3239

Hill, Martyn: 538

Hill, Michael: 2600

Hill, Paul: 600, 1817

Hill, Philip R.: 454, 3169, 3319

Hillier, Paul: 1023, 1599, 1848, 2058, 2260, 2261

Hindman, Eric V.: 2715

Hirt, Charles C.: 2393, 2805

Hitel, Jamie: 2578, 3464

Ho, Edith: 1107, 2500, 2652, 3221

Hoban, John: 206, 215, 2387, 3033

Hobbs, Charles M.: 1927

Hobbs, Robert L.: 33, 34

Hodson, Harry: 3295, 3296

Hoeg, Michael: 1746

Hoffman, Ernie: 2753

Hoffman, Mary: 2969

Hoffman, Stanley M.: 3400

Hofman, John: 507

Hogan, Moses G.: 1298, 1595, 1715, 1760, 1830, 1922, 1993, 2175, 2445, 2825

Hoggard, Lara: 2619, 2973

Hokams, Richard W.: 1705

Holcomb, Stephen N.: 2713

Holford, Martin: 2915, 3148

Holland, Jeffrey: 3017

Hollander, Ralph: 2526

Holliday, Robert: 3346

Hollingworth, Robert: 1887, 1941, 3240, 3249

Hollingworth, Susan: 3541, 3562, 3572

Holman, Derek: 547, 2227

Holman, Frank: 820

Holman, Peter: 1727, 2086, 2164, 2691, 3375

Holmes, Lassaye Van Buren: 1767

Holmes, Robert: 3289

Holroyde, Geoffrey: 190, 201, 3051, 3171, 3179

Holst, Imogen C.: 24, 25, 102, 511, 782, 3293

Holt, Edmund: 3275

Hone, Timothy: 1931, 1961

Hooper, John D.: 2073

Hooper, Nick: 2193

Hoose, David: 1581

Hopkins, Gregory: 1462

Horsey, Alan: 1275

Hoskins, Richard Barrick: 1208

How, Martin J. R.: 2023

Howard, Colin: 3181

Howard, Michael: 362, 2569

Howard, Timothy: 1783, 1784, 1790

Howerton, Beverly R.: 319, 3182, 3183

Hubbard, Monica: 2451

Hubert, G. Johnson: 1837

Huff, Harry: 1165, 1167, 1168

Huffman, Herbert: 3443

Hughes, Anselm, Br.: 2763, 2764

Hughes, Enid-Sian: 3479

Hughes, Indra: 1280, 3207

Hughes, Owain Arwel: 852, 2740

Hughes, Reginald: 176

Hughes, Robert: 993

Hultberg, Cortland: 2386

Hume, Paul C.: 3032

Humphreys, J. E.: (?) 273

Humphris, Ian: 2256

Hunt, Donald F.: 72, 77, 84, 85, 87, 137, 194, 195, 196, 197, 230, 327, 358, 383, 453, 521, 553, 688, 692, 693, 724, 728, 841, 854, 906, 909, 1003, 1259, 1691, 1750, 1813, 2453, 2555, 3045, 3047, 3060, 3130, 3172, 3175, 3179, 3466, 3474

Hunter, Ian: 567, 3065, 3471

Hunter, Ralph: 1926

Hurd, David: 769, 1158

Hurford, Peter J.: 11, 154, 281, 620, 2003, 3339

Hutto, Benjamin: 1028, 1158

Huxley, Marcus: 2561, 2789

Hyslop, Scott M.: 3335



Idle, Frank: 1348

Ingram, Donald: 630

Inwood, Paul: 2591

Ionascu, Howard: 2540, 3029, 3491

Isaacs, Robert: 2333, 2628

Iseler, Elmer: 421, 501, 709, 712, 1261, 1301, 1543, 2019, 2055, 2344, 2490, 3155, 3156, 3563

Isgro, Robert M.: 2718

Itai, Avner: 3357

Ives, Grayston “Bill”: 1241, 2191, 2247, 2800, 3284, 3576



Jaber, Thomas I.: 3189

Jackson, Carl: 3391

Jackson, Francis A.: 58, 184, 199, 310, 311, 608, 970, 1052, 1689, 3338, 3521

Jackson, Nicholas: 211, 302

Jacobson, Joshua: 3221

Jaffee, Michael: 1592, 1994

Jagger, Graham: 2996

James, Darrell: 2083, 2110

James, Don: 2279

James, Peter: 2570

James, Willis Lawrence: 2134

Janco, Steven R.: 2039

Jarrell, Ellen Nash: 3301

Jarrett, Jack R.: 2429

Jeffcoat, Rupert: 3283

Jeffers, Ronald H.: 714

Jenemann, Gerhard: 3141

Jenkins, Glyn: 1758

Jenkins, John: 2742

Jenkins, Ronald: 2885, 2886, 2887, 3431

Jennings, Anthony: 271

Jennings, Joseph: 1299, 1461, 1880, 1975, 3225

Jennings, Kenneth L.: 1027, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1393, 1423, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1834

Jensen, Wilma: 2458, 2793

Jessop, Craig D., Cpt.: 2960, 3430, 3513

Jodry, Frederick: 1766, 1773

Johnson, Craig: 2819

Johnson, Jeffrey C.: 1700

Johnson, Mark S.: 2406, 2407

Johnson, Robert C.: 935

Johnson, Sigrid: 1027, 1392, 1393, 1430, 1720, 1738

Johnson, Thor: 1716

Joly, Simon: 1317

Jones, Brian: 636, 1429, 2930

Jones, David Hugh: 266

Jones, Edward: 1360

Jones, Fred G.: 665, 1719

Jones, Gareth: 2147

Jones, Geraint: 214

Jones, Ifor: 2119

Jones, J. William: 2328

Jones, Mark: 3460

Jones, Melvina: 942

Jones, Michael Leighton: 2630, 2631, 2633

Jones, Richard Elfyn: 571

Jones, Robert: 2331, 2790

Jones, Stephen: 2117, 2162

Jordan, William: 1112

Jordanoff, Christine: 2254

Joyce, Jimmy: 2010

Joyce, Patricia: 3407

Joyce, Robert: 442

Judd, Roger: 303, 554

Justus, Lane D.: 1245



Kadel, Richard W.: 3428

Karadin, Kenneth: 1096

Kay, Brian: 1769

Kaye, G. Donald: 1106

Keeley, James: 3180

Keil, Joyce: 2349, 2350

Keith, C. David: 2601

Kelly, Columba, Rev.: 1682

Kelly, Kenneth: 1319

Kelly, Sherry Hill: 1202, 1220, 1221, 1569

Kempske, Carol: 3299

Kesling, Will: 1411

Kibblewhite, Michael: 1312, 2479, 3416

Kimes, Janice: 966

King, Andrew: 898

King, Gordon: 777

King, Larry: 61, 62, 586, 587, 787, 924, 1172

King, Peter: 3157

King, Robert: 715, 1008, 1009, 1030, 1056, 1069, 1195, 1287, 1288, 1311, 1353, 1372, 3069, 3143, 3167

Kirkman, Andrew: 2694

Kirkpatrick, Bernard: 1540

Kissack, Anne: 3255

Kissinger, Nancy: 2714

Kjelson, Lee R.: 2719

Kleinschmidt, Michael: 2446

Klauss, Walter: 2313, 2393

Klier, Nora Peterson: 2857

Knight, Gerald H.: 339, 344, 352, 1989, 2023, 2762, 3161

Knight, Peter: 2135

Knott, Josef: 510

Koch, Timothy: 3446

Koehring, David L.: 1696

Korn, Michael: 2720

Kosche, Kenneth: 3037, 3038, 3039

Krebbiel, Janeal: 2776

Krebill, Kerry: 1548, 1913, 1996, 2980

Krider, Dale: 1328, 2733

Krigbaum, Charles: 543

Krueger, Timothy J.: 2494, 2894

Kulinska, Blanka: 1222

Kulinsky, Bohumil: 1222

Kurka, Martin: 3500

Kuzma, John: 1609

Kwami, Paul T.: 3495



Labus, Greg: 2460

Laflin, Mark: 2704

Lamb, Benjamin: 2656

Lamb, Elizabeth: 1956

Lambert, Peter: 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906

La Montaine, John: 596

Lancaster, Thomas: 384, 456, 3400

Lancelot, James: 830, 923, 1282, 1378, 1832, 2384, 3558

Lane, Martyn: 3050

Landers, Michael: 901

Lane, Jonathan: 2868

Lang, David B.: 2611

Lang, Frank E.: 2970

Lang, Rupert G.: 2786, 2787, 3170

Langstaff, John: 1005, 1428

Langston, Robert: 3087

Larkin, Matthew: 2978

Larsen, Alice: 1390

Larson, Teri: 2316

Latona, Peter: 3580

Laughton, Sam: 3499

Laverty, Lois: 1329

Law, Brian: 2228

Lawford, Simon: 2627

Lawrence, Douglas: 649, 2615, 2617

Lawrence, T. B.: 2168

Lawson, David: 3208

Lawson, Warner: 2139, 2367

Layton, Stephen: 1264, 1459, 1547, 1728, 1915, 2164, 3070, 3139, 3362, 3518

Lea-Cox, Graham: 2686

Leck, Henry H.: 1534, 2728

Lederhouse, H. Bruce: 2949

Ledger, Philip: 4, 17, 20, 127, 222, 260, 334, 386, 1885, 2017, 3202

Lee, Mark: 735, 2337

Lee, Rachael: 2957

Lee, Richard: 975

Lee, T. Tom, Rev.: 2661

Leech, Peter: 2622, 2623

Lehman, Robert W.: 1549, 3386

Leidzen, Erik W. G.: 2806

Lenti, Christina A.: 1243, 2913

Leonard, Jonathan: 1277

Leong, Kevin: 2500

Lepine, David: 2000

Leppard, Raymond: 1796, 2638

Lester, Jennifer A.: 2451, 2522, 2585, 2680, 2751, 2809, 2907, 3040, 3149, 3206, 3221, 3291, 3325, 3358, 3400, 3431, 3505, 3544, 3573

Levick, John M., Jr.: 2959

Levin, Neil W.: 3348

Levine, Iris S.: 2585, 2751

Lewis, J. Reilly: 1660, 3498

Liddle, Alexander: 2820

Liemohn, Edwin: 2291, 2292

Lightband, Robert: 1310, 1340

Lillington, Roy: 843

Lin, Chiu-Tze: 2263

Lin, Ronald: 786

Lindley, Simon: 530, 731, 752, 758, 770, 2543, 3068, 3128, 3520

Lindstrom, Michael: 1029

Little, George: 2211

Litton, James: 259, 503, 505, 846, 1199, 1580, 2079, 2182, 2724, 3331

Livengood, James: 320, 1137, 1138, 1139

Lloyd, Richard: 68, 200, 871, 969, 3179, 3340

Loach, Donald: 3302

Lobban, James: 2923

Locke, Russell F.: 773

Logan, P. Bradley: 2758

Loher, Stephen: 270

Lole, Simon: 737, 910, 1921, 2099, 2791, 2932, 3058, 3334, 3532

London, Edwin: 399

Longstreth, Clara: 1189, 2751

Loomer, Diane: 1044, 1385, 1835, 2357, 2480, 2749

Lowe, David: 2628, 2629

Lowe, Emily Boyd: 887, 3303

Lucas, Andrew: 2864

Lucas, Adrian: 1571, 2453, 2496, 2614, 3012

Ludecke, Albert: 2169

Ludwig, Robert: 1095

Luengan, Ramona: 3573

Lumsden, Andrew: 1489, 2434

Lumsden, David: 31, 63, 70, 159, 160, 225, 252, 3127, 3131, 3132, 3179, 3341

Lunt, Reginald: 3190

Lusk, Franklin L.: 2025

Lydon, Tom: 3138



MacAller, Dominic: 1313, 2141

McDermot, Galt: 3458

Macdonald, Alstair: 539

Macdonald, Peter: 877

MacDonald, Robert: 235

MacDonald, Sarah: 2725, 2924, 3581

MacDonnell, Frances B.: 174, 2846, 2847, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2851, 3074

MacGowan, Rosalind: 1240

Mackay, Andrew: 2052, 2901

MacMillan, James: 3215

MacNutt, Walter: 448

Major, Douglas: 894, 1558, 1731, 1973, 2636, 3146

Malcolm, George J.: 110, 3298

Mancini, Anthony, Rev.: 3579

Mann, Alfred: 241, 242, 243

Mann, Kathleen: 3164

Mann, Terence: 727

Manos, George: 2325

Mardirosian, Haig: 398

Marler, Don: 2783, 2784, 2785

Marlow, Richard: 513, 684, 831, 851, 1350, 1358, 1443, 1939, 2390, 3493

Marriner, Neville: 3348

Marriott, Simon: 2320

Marsh, Dana T.: 1121, 1122

Marsh, Don: 943

Marsh, John: 759

Marsh, Louise: 2788

Marshall, Philip: 37, 555, 708

Martens, John: 1441

Martin, Judy: 2098, 2505, 2506, 2657, 3096

Marvin, Jameson: 1575, 1576, 1577, 2500

Maskell, Terence: 2707

Mason, Monte: 1130

Mason, Richard: 842, 3052, 3145, 3472

Massey, Roy: 768, 812, 1373, 1686, 1706, 2001, 2190, 2453

Mathey, Richard D.: 1739

Matthias, Philip: 3082, 3083, 3084

Mathis, William: 2154

Matthews, Meg: 1007

Mauldin, Michael: 2424, 2425, 2454, 2603

Mawby, Colin: 2647, 2840, 2841, 2843

Max, Robert: 2241

Mayrhofer, Wolfgang: 3214

McCarthy, John: 221, 652, 1606, 1767, 2740, 2803

McCarthy, Michael: 3568, 3570

McClintock, Aubrey: 2584

McClintock, Nigel: 2383, 2583

McCord, Robert E.: 2965

McCray, James: 2968, 2972

McCreesh, Paul: 1457

McCroice, Ian: 1685

McCullough, Donald: 1463, 2483, 3245

McDaniel, James Thomas: 265

McEwan, Neil: 805, 1532, 1540

McEwen, Douglas: 2969

McGath, Dorothy: 2668

McGegan, Nicholas: 1021

McGill, Stan: 2714

McGuire, Kathleen: 2985

McInnes, Bruce G.: 1423, 2356

McIntyre, Stephen: 3236

McKay, David P.: 249, 1724, 1725, 1726

McKelvey, Malcolm: 123

McKie, William N.: 340, 363

McLain, James L.: 3187

McLean, Hugh: 1938

McLosky, Lansing: 2819

McMillan, Gordon: 1442, 1454

McMillan, J. Nixon: 2936

McMillan, Peter: 1007

McMurrin, Roger G.: 808

McNeil, Albert: 1715

McPhee, George: 202, 602, 742, 758, 2322, 3053, 3112

McShane, Andrew: 2844

McVicker, William: 1239, 2265, 2266

Means, Claude: 1802

Melham, Catherine: 1775

Melone, Roger: 253

Meltaus, Jean: 2141, 3291

Melville, Alan G.: 3413

Meneely, Brian: 2267

Menk, Nancy: 2103, 2794, 3411

Menuhin, Yehudi: 2684

Merriman, Eric: 297

Mervine, Barbara F.: 26083

Messeck, George G.: 2663

Mester, Jorge: 786

Metallo, Vincent: 3332

Metzler, James R.: 662, 3486

Mews, Douglas C.: 951

Michaels, Patrick: 3326

Mickelson, Paul: 497, 1815

Miggels, David: 1905

Miller, Augusta: 3462

Miller, Bruce I.: 615

Miller, Earl L.: 828

Miller, Gary: 1446

Miller, Jack: 288

Miller, John D.: 945

Miller, Johnny: 2852

Miller, Phyllis: 945

Millinger, Andrew: 2497, 3071, 3137, 3418, 3437

Millington, Andrew: 514, 551, 738, 933, 1035, 1962, 3160

Milmer, Gavin: 2544

Mims, George: 504

Mineah, Barry: 439

Miner, John: 2670

Mitchell, David: 1250

Mitchell, George: 1019

Mitchell, Ian Douglas, Rev.: 2554

Mitchell, Keith: 1007

Moe, Bjorn: 1467

Mogck, Oliver A.: 3453

Monahan, Laurie: 2157, 2158, 2484, 2489, 3573

Moody, Ivan: 834

Moore, Ian: 2583

Moore, Philip: 227, 610, 886, 1065, 1351, 1829, 2096, 2644, 2679

Moore, Tom: 3000

Moore, Walden: 641, 642

More, Bruce E.: 2377

Morgan, Muzette: 1433

Morgan, Richard: 643

Morgan, Thomas Edward: 2428, 2983

Morris, Andrew: 192

Morris, Hugh: 1805

Morris, Norman: 3119

Morrison, Andrew: 1340

Morrison, Matthew: 2544

Morrow, David: 1292

Morton, Graeme: 1539, 2773, 2774

Morton, Ian: 541

Morton, Ralph: 1553

Mosher, Lucinda Allen: 1262

Mount, Timothy: 3445

Mullin, Randall: 1105, 1228

Murphy, Blanaid: 3149, 3221, 3291, 3325

Murphy, Sandra S.: 1529

Murray, Gregory, Br.: 3298

Murray, Thomas: 188

Musika, John S.: 2399

Mustert, Merle R.: 1343, 2766

Myers, Gordon: 2230



Nabo, Joao Luis: 3030

Nahirniak, Lori: 2858

Nardone, Peter: 2236, 2896

Narvaez, Jolene Webster: 2860

Nash, Nancy: 3342

Neary, Martin: 112, 132, 359, 403, 404, 528, 918, 1416, 1424, 1468, 1484, 1512, 2089, 2579, 3108

Nehring, Bruce: 802

Nelson, Robin: 2920

Nemeth, Pal: 2050

Nestor, Leo C.: 974, 1642, 1648, 1649, 1679, 1731, 1775, 1807, 1838, 1980, 1997, 2067, 2115, 2116, 2141, 2142, 2221, 2279, 2357, 2451, 2509, 2680, 2751, 2809, 2836, 3325

Neswick, Bruce: 507, 698, 1136, 2636, 2692

Nethsingha, Andrew: 1304, 1664, 1752, 2056, 2091, 3467

Nethsingha, Lucian: 39, 80, 529, 729, 904, 905, 3168

Neumann, Alfred J.: 500, 989, 999

Neumann, Horst: 533

Neville, David: 763, 774

Newell, Jonathan: 558, 3469

Newing, Maureen: 872

Newman, Magaret: 2551, 2552

Nicholas, Benjamin: 2231, 3390

Nicholas, Michael: 78, 103, 128, 175, 357, 921, 1039, 1043, 2006, 3176

Nicholson, Paul A.: 1974, 2396

Nicholson, Sydney: 1348

Niel, Thom: 809

Nielsen, Gary T.: 1246

Nielson, John Marlowe: 2379

Nielson, Kenneth: 979

Nixon, June: 617, 618, 619, 647, 790, 1006

Noble, Anthony: 880

Noble, Weston H.: 1535, 1536, 1537, 1538, 1834, 2857, 2968, 2971, 3325

Noll, William: 2417

Norman, John: 535

Norrington, Roger: 93

Norris, J. Weldon: 1143, 1144, 1154, 1519, 2389, 3299, 3374, 3376, 3377

North, John S.: 3218

Norton, Gregory: 1822

Nysted, Knut: 813



Oakley, Paul E.: 966

Oberle, Grover J.: 2069

O’Brien, Garrett: 1, 138, 219, 261

O’Donnell, James: 1190, 2223, 2507, 2769

O’Donnell, Raymond: 3351

O’Donovan, Matthew: 3263, 3306

Ohrwall, Anders: 2906

Oldham, William: 1678

Oliver, John: 399, 574, 760

O’Malley, Eugene F., Rev.: 2216

Oppenheim, Hans: 1804

Ord, Boris: 301, 317, 345, 347, 348, 1187, 2252, 3002

O’Reilly, Graham: 835, 855

Ormandy, Eugene: 296, 495, 2136

Ossewaarde, Jack H.: 98, 99, 100

Ottley, Jerold D.: 332, 532, 1413, 1450, 1715, 2219, 2520

Over, Simon: 1789

Owen, Frank K.: 2258

Owen, William: 3012, 3013

Owens, Matthew: 1042, 2721, 3144

Owens, Sam Batt: 507



Paczian, Rita: 2627

Padmore, Andrew: 569, 736

Page, Christopher: 2382, 2391, 2392, 2468

Page, Neil: 789, 3088, 3091

Paiement, Nicole: 3349

Paillard, Jean-Francois: 2951

Palmer, Catherine M.: 2439

Palmer, Robert: 2472

Palsgrove, James L.: 876, 1684

Paranov, Moshe: 990, 2610

Parker, Alice: 1637, 2589, 2967, 3245, 3425

Parnell, Andrew: 2581

Parrott, Andrew: 1762, 1881, 1882, 2051, 2361, 2486

Parsons, Charles: 1185

Patenaude, Gilbert: 1048, 2043

Patterson, Donnell: 3277

Patterson, Elizabeth C.: 716, 862, 986, 996, 1294, 1382, 1496, 1944, 2155, 2255, 2343, 2495, 3246, 3247, 3320, 3535

Pavlechko, Thomas: 3385

Payn, William A.: 1219, 1791, 1818, 1947

Pearce, Malcolm: 561

Pearlman, Martin: 2201

Pearson, Augustus: 1519

Pearson, Donald: 962, 1103, 1115, 1116, 1357, 1483, 2202

Peek, Betty: 3188

Peek, Richard: 3188

Pegg, David: 2112

Peleg-Williams, John: 204

Pelletier, Wilfred: 3154

Peloquin, C. Alexander: 229, 581, 582, 654, 655

Pendergast, J. Thomas: 2822

Percies, Jerry: 2603

Perkins, Philip E., Rev.: 447

Perkins-Hall, DeLise: 1519

Perrin, Nigel: 3028

Perrin, Ronald: 757, 1242, 1987

Perry, Roy: 2021

Persson, Birgitta: 2204

Peter, Sandra: 3325

Peter, Timothy: 3325

Peterson, Michael: 598

Pettit, Joseph: 1977

Pfautsch, Lloyd: 2572

Philander, Dean: 1906

Phillips, Daniel: 1663

Phillips, Margaret: 379

Phillips, Peter: 575, 957, 1849, 1852, 1854, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1888, 2034, 2196, 3564

Phillis, Christine: 2896, 2897

Pike, Lionel: 2874, 2875, 2876, 2877, 2878, 2964, 3106

Pilbery, Joseph: 444

Pinkham, Daniel R.: 119, 889, 2399, 3400

Pitcock, Dennis N.: 2856

Pitts, Antony: 2536, 2537, 2538, 3584

Pizarro, David: 853, 874

Planchart, Alejandro: 3372

Plank, Katherine: 3407

Plimpton, Robert: 2702, 3186

Podd, David: 561

Poellein, John: 793

Ponten, Loren W.: 2593, 2782, 2809, 2907, 3431, 3490

Poole, John: 118, 263

Pooler, Frank: 2364

Popp, Eberhard: 2662

Popplewell, Richard: 316, 766

Port, Dennis W.: 2743, 2744, 2745, 2746, 2747

Porte, Nicolas: 2032

Poulter, David: 2437, 2478, 3276, 3559

Powell, Robert J.: 1610

Powell, Stephen: 2675, 2676

Preston, Harry: 2433

Preston, Simon: 12, 108, 124, 315, 490, 672, 1493, 1704

Price, David: 2563, 3530

Prizeman, Robert: 3165, 3234

Proctor, Sondra: 1817

Prodan, Sandra: 1253, 1254

Proulx, Norman L.: 1333

Proulx, Richard T.: 656, 1078, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1151, 1255, 1256, 1369, 1634, 1943, 2590, 2779, 2781, 3431

Prussing, Stephen H.: 816, 1141

Pugh, Arnold: 1745, 2880

Pulkingham, Betty: 506

Pullan, Bruce: 1355, 1381

Pullen, Milton: 2856



Quade, Robert M.: 157, 667, 668, 1328, 1342

Quimby, Arthur: 2155



Rachelski, Mark: 2511

Rae, Brian: 3164, 3296

Raines, Charles W.: 1169, 1170, 1171, 2752

Randolph, David: 431, 822

Rao, Doreen: 1230, 1254, 2719

Rapson, Penelope: 3249

Rardin, Paul: 3291

Ratzlaff, Leonard: 2415, 3241

Ravens, Simon: 1957

Rayner, Nicholas: 2881

Read, Peter: 1296

Reed, Michelle AShelly@: 1192, 1193, 1194

Rees, Owen: 679, 1655, 3529

Rees-Williams, Jonathan: 410, 557, 563, 601, 653, 744, 977, 2113, 2427, 2513, 2705, 3019, 3041, 3517

Regan, Donald: 2822

Reid, Andrew: 2924

Reid, Rob: 2776

Reimer, Roy F.: 2366

Reinburg, Peggy Kelley: 2215

Remington, Emily: 507

Renas, Kim Lawrence: 944

Rendler-Fuller, Elaine: 3426

Rennert, Jonathan: 466, 2817, 3016

Repp, Raymond R.: 1420

Resch, Richard C.: 391, 392

Revzen, Joel: 1564

Reynolds, Gordon: 1676, 2755

Rhode, John: 1904

Rhodes, Keith: 305

Riccinto, Leonarad L.: 3405

Rice, JoAnn: 785, 2659

Richards, Alfred G.: 1149

Richards, Paul, Br.: 1498, 3230, 3315

Richardson, Donald: 1817

Richter, Caspar: 3214

Riddell, Wayne: 548, 549, 2430

Riley, David: 2171

Riley, William A.: 640

Rimmer, John: 2707

Ripplinger, Donald: 1413

Rivers, Clarence Joseph, Rev.: 1332

Roads, Gene: 3109

Robbins, Gil: 1235

Roberts, Howard A.: 772

Roberts, Leon C.: 666, 1447

Robinson, Christopher: 115, 131, 155, 433, 683, 783, 891, 1305, 1491, 1731, 1889, 2448, 2818, 2821, 3333, 3507, 3555, 3558

Robinson, Karen: 3400

Robinson, Robert T.: 1530

Robinson, Stanford: 1037, 2648

Roennberg, Mikael: 2572

Roger, Simone: 1283

Rogerson, M. Kenneth: 2900

Rogner, James A.: 1231

Romeri, John A.: 2771, 2833

Rooke, David: 2881

Rooley, Anthony: 185, 254, 406, 465, 1361, 1586, 1698, 1868, 2420

Roper, Stanley: 275, 796, 3152

Rose, Barry M.: 40, 49, 50, 51, 264, 300, 316, 380, 432, 434, 664, 671, 1225, 1403, 1992, 2084, 2137, 2232

Rose, Bernard W. G.: 5, 21, 69, 71, 136, 234, 295, 1621, 2618, 2905, 2947, 3179, 3197

Rose, Gregory: 3414

Rose, Penna: 2474

Rosenbaum, Harold: 1564, 2819

Ross, Howard: 1173

Ross, Robert A. M.: 956, 1444

Ross, William E.: 2559

Rossin, Thomas D.: 2823, 2824, 3510

Rosser, John: 1481

Rothery, David W.: 3105

Rottsolk, Rebecca J.: 2501

Routley, Nicholas: 2553, 2616

Rowland, David: 1990

Rubbra, Edmund: 2168

Ruffin, Milton: 1826

Runnett, Brian: 2125

Running, Joseph M.: 1696

Rushforth, Philip: 3559

Russell, Albert: 130, 440, 1248, 2342

Russell, David: 670, 1540

Russell, Robert: 1583

Russell, Timothy: 1826

Rutenberg, Peter: 1366

Rutter, John: 457, 573, 614, 624, 691, 833, 914, 964, 1025, 1396, 1494, 1523, 1607, 1919, 3416, 3569

Ryan, Leslie: 191



Sackett, Andrew: 1341, 2587

Saint, David; 1675

Salaam, Abdel: 2826

Salamunovich, Paul: 1134, 1438, 2249

Saltzman, Harry: 675

Sanders, Hugh: 1266, 1438

Sanders, John: 73, 413, 570, 681, 978, 1309, 1374, 1813, 2453, 3046, 3179

Sapsford, Colin: 3468

Sargent, Malcolm: 314

Saunders, Theo P.: 2993, 2994, 2995, 2996, 2997

Savage, James: 1640, 1768

Sawyer, Timothy: 2625, 2748

Sayer, Roger: 1633, 1831, 2338

Sayles, Bartholomew, Br.: 1497

Scannell, Alice: 1670, 1671, 1672

Schade, K. Bernard: 2807

Schaefer, Edward: 3279

Schaefer, John L.: 507, 1088, 1439

Schaefer, Theodore: 246, 2375

Schalk, Carl F.: 1527, 2397

Scharf, Margaret: 1560

Scharf, Warren: 1560

Scheibe, Jo-Michael: 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1741, 2715, 2717, 3199, 3496

Schempf, William H.: 1080

Scherer, Frank: 1803

Scholtes, Peter, Rev.: 995

Scholz, Cara: 1978

Scholz, Robert: 1027, 1392, 1393, 1720

Schreiber, Joseph W.: 236, 258, 492, 778, 1806

Schreiber, Lawrence P.: 289, 290

Schreimer, Alexander: 2900

Schroeder, Phillip: 2819

Schubert, Peter: 2560, 2659

Schuder, John Frederick: 321, 322

Schultz, Robert: 2735

Schulze, Theodora: 396

Schumann, Walter: 2573

Schuneman, Robert: 2116, 2279

Schwartz, Carolyn: 1723

Schwartzhoff, Gary R.: 2355, 2356

Schwartzmann, Joseph: 2134

Schwarz, Gerard: 1079, 3484

Scott, Charles Kennedy: 337, 588

Scott, John G.: 650, 700, 707, 717, 917, 964, 987, 1015, 1031, 1041, 1188, 1223, 1315, 1401, 1476, 1590, 1598, 1740, 1774, 1824, 1966, 1986, 2146, 2163, 2271, 2376, 2485, 2576, 2863, 3355, 3526, 3534

Scott, K. Lee: 1020, 2837, 3249

Scribner, Norman: 1323

Scurlock-Dillard, Jo: 2714

Seal, Richard: 283, 329, 621, 960, 1402, 3249

Searls, Nicholas: 3059

Seaward, Jeffrey A.: 2859

Seeley, Gilbert: 979, 1453, 1730

Seelig, Timothy: 1186, 1197, 1554, 1570, 2280, 2716

Seivewright, R. Andrew: 409, 566, 840, 1690, 3066, 3121

Self, William: 52, 54, 161, 1767, 3113

Seymour, Howard: 762

Shadinger, Marilyn: 1569

Shafer, Keith: 1178

Shafer, Robert: 713, 2963

Shapey, Ralph: 815

Shapley, Greg: 2603

Shaw, Robert: 761, 819, 1131, 1148, 1169, 1335, 1619, 1793, 2042, 2133, 2637, 3396

Shelton, Hugh: 216, 217, 218

Shenton, Andrew: 3061

Shepherd, Mark: 2060, 2198, 2528

Shepherd, Muriel: 872, 1685

Sherow-Tatum, John: 1570

Shewan, Robert: 536, 827, 845, 847, 1482, 1552, 1833, 2477, 2529

Shewan, Stephen: 2529

Shippey, Edgar F., Rev.: 934

Shisler, Jay: 212, 213

Shive, Gary: 1949

Short, Nigel: 3237, 3328

Shuler, David: 2879

Shure, R. Deane: 1452

Sidwell, Martindale: 915

Simeone, Harry: 3485

Simmons, Elizabeth: 3085

Simmons, Morgan: 268, 385, 1123, 1124, 1559

Simon, Geoffrey (UK): 952

Simon, Geoffrey (USA): 2731, 2732, 3556

Simpson, Robert: 2279, 2976, 3010

Simpson, Robert L.: 1087, 1099

Sirvatka, Lisa R.: 1253

Sr. Cecilia Ward: 723

Sr. Claire Marguerite: 330

Sr. Nathan Super: 3345

Skeaping, Roderick: 2919

Skidmore, Jeffrey: 907, 3062, 3527

Skiold, Stefan: 2317

Skones, Maurice H.: 576, 1175, 1176

Slenk, Howard: 2946

Small, Howard Don: 395, 507, 2239

Smedley, Michael: 1371, 2487, 2777

Smith, Albert P.: 3081, 3191

Smith, Barry: 748, 764, 1703, 1733

Smith, Charles K.: 1252

Smith, Craig: 1840

Smith, Gregg: 169, 178, 299, 455, 638, 838, 895, 896, 897, 926, 949, 950, 1146, 1147, 1267, 1229, 1791, 2075, 2832, 2889, 3274, 3450

Smith, Frank Cedric: 2172

Smith, Harvey K.: 1652, 1667

Smith, Janet: 3500

Smith, Jeffrey: 2192, 2432, 3147

Smith, Jim: 3473

Smith, Julian: 908

Smith, Marvin: 1292

Smith, Michael: 304, 755, 903, 1449, 1828, 3166

Smith, Raymond W.: 3032

Smith, Stewart: 3219, 3538

Smith, W. Thomas: 1809

Smith, Wesley A.: 1530

Smoot, Ann Elise: 2726

Snapp, Earl: 994

Snow, Sandra: 3407

Snyder, Clarence: 2681

Snyder, Ellis Emanuel: 257

Snyder, Patricia: 1556

Sokol, Thomas: 2150

Somerville, Murray Forbes: 56, 507, 1000, 1513, 2110, 3142, 3325

Sothcott, John: 2068

Sowerby, Leo: 1323, 1324

Sparks, Richard: 1603, 3424, 3484

Spedding, Alan: 968

Spencer, David: 2653, 2654

Spicer, Paul: 524, 725, 911, 1012, 1638, 1916, 3401

Squibb, David: 1951

Stalford, Ronald: 1104

Stallings, Neil A.: 3300

Stanton, Royal: 3511

Stanton, William T.: 2668

Steen, Sigvert J.: 1810

Stein, David: 2819

Stein, Jane: 3462

Steinhaus, Phillip: 114, 873

Steinitz, Paul: 116, 328

Stepan, Cal: 2187

Stephenson, Nick: 2792

Steuberg, Carl: 2969

Stevens, David: 2176

Stevens, Denis: 209, 441, 1010, 1797, 1951, 2214, 3007, 3434

Stevens, Steve: 169

Stevenson, Roger: 1356

Stewart, Carol: 3036

Stewart, Gordon: 2409, 3264

Steyn, Eric: 1901

Steynor, Matthew: 3356

Stofer, Robert M.: 3185

Stokes, Christopher: 3099

Stoneman, Susan: 3299

Stones, Joseph: 194

Stopford, Philip: 2550, 3394

Stork, Stephen: 1772

Strahan, Francis V., Rev.: 3268

Strand, Michael: 3475

Strege, John: 1184, 1218, 2841

Stretansky, Cyril: 1819

Strickland, William: 813

Stride, Chad M.: 2442

Strimple, Nick: 1641

Stroope, Z. Randall: 3407

Stuges, Rowland: 1579

Stultz, Marie: 826

Sturmheit, Jane: 1972

Summerly, Jeremy: 1718, 1756, 1786, 1855, 1884, 2475

Summers, William J.: 1473

Super, Nathan, Sr.: see Sr. Nathan Super

Suter, Jeremy: 2697, 2698, 2699

Swain, Elizabeth: 1455

Swan, Howard: 2519

Swann, Frederick: 142, 143, 144, 333, 577, 958, 959

Sweetman, Kenneth: 2760

Swinson, David: 844, 2727, 2890



Tagg, William H.: 2958

Talbot, John Michael: 2574

Talley, Barry: 2853

Talley, Billy: 2853

Talley, John: 412

Talley, Randy: 2853

Tankersley, Roy: 885

Tate, Robert: 1225, 1226, 1227, 2928

Tanner, Richard: 2246, 2582, 3103

Tanner, Stephen: 2346

Tavener, Alan: 1516, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1892, 1933, 2769, 3415

Taylor, Beverly: 3040

Taylor, Browen: 1579

Taylor, Eleanor L.: 2121

Taylor, Hortense P.: 938, 939, 940

Taylor, Neil: 1316, 2114, 2722, 3102, 3305

Taylor, Thomas B.: 374

Taylor, Robert: 2974

Teague, William C.: 1113

Tedford, Linda L.: 3404, 3409

Teeters, Donald: 1066, 3325

Temple, David: 306, 682, 1814, 2186

Terry, David: 2062

Thalben-Ball, George T.: 240, 416, 418, 797, 1322, 1999, 2152, 3120, 3379, 3522, 3523, 3524

Theimer, Axel: 1497

Thomas, Andre J.: 2710, 2712

Thomas, David: 2447

Thomas, Hugh: 1091, 1092

Thomas, James T.: 3101

Thomas, Juan, Rev.: 2954

Thomas, Michael Tilson: 532, 638

Thomas, Paul Lindsley: 507, 1098

Thomas, William E.: 3277

Thompson, Charles: 902

Thompson, Claude, Rev.: 2043

Thompson, J. Michael: 1379, 1380, 1474, 1477, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1974, 1979, 2153, 2282, 2395, 2396, 2534, 2648, 3251, 3561

Thompson, Mary: 1119

Thomson, Stewart: 644

Thomson, Virgil: 889

Thorne, Richard: 2154

Thorson, Eric: 2357

Thurlow, Alan: 425, 544, 556, 868, 1415, 1643, 1699, 1920, 2008, 2233, 2545, 2580, 3044

Tilton, Stephen: 2104

Tims, Ricky: 2013

Tinney, Herbert: 237

Tippett, Michael: 2761

Tolley, Christopher: 436, 908, 2064, 2541, 3057

Tomlinson, Anne: 3040

Torkanowsky, Werner: 2203

Torkelson, Paul: 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2309

Torrez, Ed: 2454

Tours, Frank: 1666

Townhill, Dennis: 660, 719, 2674

Townsend, Dave: 2354

Tracey, Ian: 850, 1026, 3278

Track, Gerhard: 3345

Tremsky, Lawrence: 1742

Trepte, Paul: 550, 720, 988, 1133, 1238, 1247, 1417, 1734, 1969, 2016, 2224,

2368, 3048, 3067

Triplett, Robert: 1647

Troeger, Robert: 3125

Tucapsky, Antonin: 3373

Turnbull, Walter: 1582

Turner, Bruno: 226, 1872, 2666, 3309, 3354

Turner, Gavin: 1869

Turner, John R.: 156

Turner, Neil: 3447, 3448

Tuttle, John: 1345, 1346, 1347, 1736

Twomey, Ray: 2551

Tyler, Malcolm: 3470, 3478



Upton, Janet: 3540



Valen, Sverre: 1701

van Bleek, Martin: 2883, 2884

Van Camp, Leonard: 1825

Vandenberge, Elaine: 3079

Vann, W. Stanley: 57, 276, 279

Van Nevel, Erik: 954, 3566

van Royen, Ivan: 1904

van Wyck, Gerald: 2359, 2360, 3196, 3220

Vass, George: 3537

Veld, Henry: 446

Vella, Joseph: 2812, 2813

Venner, Jonathan: 3533, 3547, 3548, 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3554

Vermeeren, Coen: 2555

Victor-Smith, David: 2524

Vogel, Robert: 3452

Von Ellefson, Randi: 3294

Voorberg, Marinus: 323

Voveris, Bronis: 2556



Wachner, Julian: 2759, 3040, 3149, 3221, 3291, 3325, 3358, 3431

Waggoner, Richard: 1111

Wagner, Jeannine: 2240

Wagner, Roger: 814, 817, 1520, 2612

Wait, Gregory A.: 3506

Wales, Roy: 187, 3373

Walker, Fridrick: 2332, 3280

Walker, J. Richard: 2776

Walker, James: 1783, 1784, 1790

Walker, John: 888, 1196, 1629, 2105

Walker, Robert: 135

Wallace, Edward A.: 1645, 1646, 1668

Walsh, Colin: 1142, 1349, 2037

Walsh, Eugene, Rev.: 3111

Walsh, Matthew: 2466

Walsh, Philip: 1062, 1707, 2471

Walters, Bob: 1611, 1612

Walters, Edmund: 1653

Walton, Gail L.: 2844

Ward, Cecilia, Sr.: see Sr. Cecilia Ward

Waring, Fred: 2327

Warland, Dale: 335, 1508, 1738, 1995, 2126, 2127, 2365, 2416, 2449, 2585, 3431, 3505

Warren, Martyn: 2143

Washburn, Jon: 387, 502, 985, 1155, 1302, 1509, 1518, 1735, 3170

Watson, John E.: 1984

Wattenbarger, James: 401

Watts, Ardean: 2379

Watts, Peter: 2707

Waugh, Harvey: 3345

Wearing, Clive: 834

Weaver, Burton: 360

Weaver, John B.: 594, 595

Weaver, Thomas: 1764

Webb, Daniel: 1805

Webb, Guy: 3400

Webb, Robert: 3360

Webber, Geoffrey: 1045, 1191, 1631, 2183, 2937, 3317, 3565, 3571, 3578

Weber, Betsy Cook: 2715

Weber, Steven: 2853

Webster, Gerald K.: 546

Webster, Richard R.: 397, 494, 1160, 1183, 1991, 2799, 3577

Wedd, Patrick: 545, 1303, 1687, 3075, 3076

Weeks, James: 2737

Weight, Newell: 541

Weinert, William: 2712

Weir, Frank: 2135

Weiss, Don: 542, 1059

Weiss, Sara: 3325

Weissrock, John: 3003, 3353

Welch, Jay E.: 3288

Wells, Alexander: 3161

Wells, Christopher: 3509

Wells, Peter: 3203

Wells, W. Ernest: 1608

Wells, William: 784

Welter, Phil: 1497

Wenhold, Paul L.: 937

Wentz, Sara: 2776

Wesp, Richard W.: 2968

Westenburg, Richard: 853, 2956

Wetton, Hilary Davan: 767

Whalen, Sharon: 3074

Whalley, Catherine: 2924

Whalum, Wendell: 1290, 1291

Wheeler, Gerald: 2851

Whenham, John: 2903

Whikehart, Lewis E.: 256, 405, 2380

Whipsky, Nancy: 1179

White, David: 2944, 2975

White, Nicholas: 3586

White, Peter: 3008, 3092

White, Raymond: 863, 864

Whitehead, David, Rev.: 2904

Whitney, Robert: 1618

Whittemore, Thomas: 1225

Wichmann, Russell G.: 388, 389, 390

Wickham, Edward: 2624

Wicks, Allan: 66, 67, 239, 280, 408, 429, 560, 622, 689, 2926, 3179, 3239

Wifford, Michael: 3011

Wiggins, Don: 1270, 2443, 2444

Wilhelm, Roger: 1243, 1271, 1328

Wilkinson, Roy: 3090, 3093

Wilkinson, Stephen: 59, 86, 171, 378, 3133

Willan, Healey: 2403, 3433, 3563

Willcocks, David V.: 15, 16, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 40, 41, 74, 80, 81, 82, 83, 94, 107, 122, 240, 248, 313, 316, 386, 518, 519, 678, 881, 1047, 1445, 1521, 1935, 2129, 2197, 2660, 2870, 3012

Willcocks, Jonathan: 2378

Willetts, Sandra: 981

Willford, Michael: 3011

Willhoite, Earl: 443, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 481, 483, 486, 947, 1177, 2961, 3435

Wilhoite, Earl, Mrs.: 443

Williams, Howard: 355

Williams, Jeffrey: 2895

Williams, John (UK): 233, 285

Williams, John (USA): 652

Williams, John W.: 2398

Williams, Lois: 2607

Williams, Mark: 607

Williams, Mary Lou: 1421

Williams, Robert: 2159

Wills, Arthur: 7, 231, 269, 382, 451, 612, 620, 751, 766, 3337

Wilson, Andrew: 3447, 3448

Wilson, Carlotta: 1579

Wilson, George: 747

Wilson, Harry R.: 2245

Wilson, Todd: 489, 1566

Wilson, Warren: 1475

Windfelder, Tom: 2340, 3235

Wirth, Gerald: 3193, 3194

Wisner, Malcolm: 3370

Woan, Ronald: 139, 414, 870, 1674, 3129, 3173, 3178, 3179

Wolbrink, Allen: 507

Woldike, Mogens: 823, 1458, 3388

Wolfe, Irving: 1800

Wolfe, Randall N.: 2532

Wood, Henry J.: 1348

Wood, Jane: 1658, 1659

Woodcock, David: 976

Woodgate, Leslie: 2516

Woodhead, George: 1132

Woods, Richard Forrest: 507, 1085, 1086, 3371

Woodward, Ralph (UK): 1669, 1695

Woodward, Ralph (USA): 534, 1423

Woodworth, G. Wallace: 1524, 1550

Wootton, Douglas: 1465

Wordsworth, Barry: 872

Wright, Andrew: 3229, 3231, 3232, 3233, 3270, 3271

Wright, Jerome: 1561, 2597, 2696

Wright, Norman Soreng: 803

Wright, Paul Leddington: 792, 2093, 2815, 2816, 3282

Wu-Cotton, Nina: 2678

Wulstan, David: 125, 282, 1893, 2066, 2208, 2682, 2804, 3174

Wunsch, William L.: 507

Wuorinen, Charles: 1564

Wyers, Giselle: 3544

Wyskoop, Rodney: 3544

Wyton, Alec: 407, 721, 875, 1981



York, Curtis R.: 2734

York, David: 3400, 3505

Young, Crawford: 2408

Youngs, Scott A.: 1352, 1492

Younse, Stuart: 2855



Zabawa, Jule: 1812

Zadorsky, Brenda: 1061

Ziekman, Fons: 2555

Zwozdesky, Willi: 3221


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