Listing (Bi-By)
(Links to other
pages are at the bottom.)
All compositions
are choral unless marked solo.
Compositions (other than canticles) over about fifteen minutes in length
and titles of collections are underlined.
secular –
contemporary: 2918
Jonathan L. (1944- )
Anglican chants:
Let the roring
organs loudly play: 2865
Love divine,
all loves excelling: 3201
Biery, James R.
(1956- )
responsorial psalm
tunes: 2990
Ave Maria: 2833,
Emmanuel Comes! An Advent Service of the Word (choir/congregation; exc): 3574
O little town of
O sacrum
convivium: 2833, 3220
Stir up thy power,
O Lord: 3321
The Lord is my
shepherd: 3574
Biester, Allen
G. (1940- )
O vos omnes: 1799
Biggs, John
(1932- )
Nova, nova, ave
fit ex Eva: 3498
On the cross “Song
of Sorrow” or “Stabat Mater”: 810
Biggs, Richard
Keys (1886-1962)
Stella fulgens:
Where can we walk and make our feet belong? “Peace”: 3583
William (1746-1800)
secular – glees:
926, 1270, 1409, 2057, 2889
secular –
cantatas: 431, 926, 1146, 1710, 2379, 2889
hymn tunes: 646,
714, 926, 941, 1023, 1092, 1408, 1592, 1599, 1773, 1812, 2057, 2058, 2189, 2889
A virgin unspotted
“Judea”: 258, 262, 498, 646, 926, 941, 1090, 1410, 1661, 1670, 1705, 1780,
1975, 2122, 2366, 2443, 2889; (arr by R Shaw and A Parker): 2042
As shepherds in
Judah “Angel’s Carol”: 2662
As the hart
panteth: 1023, 1146, 2057
David the king
“David’s Lamentation”: 296, 431, 646, 926, 1023, 1270, 2889
Great God, how
frail a thing is man! “Thomas-Town”: 1599
Hark! Hear you not
a cheerful voice “An Anthem for Christmas”: 941
Hear my pray’r:
I am come into my
garden: 739, 776, 926
I am the rose of
Sharon: 675, 776, 926, 996, 1023, 1343, 2057, 2058, 2081, 2413, 2889
I charge you: 776
I heard a voice
“Funeral Anthem”: 646
I will love thee
“Deliverance”: 2379
Is any afflicted,
let him pray: 1023, 1592
Lo, he cometh
“Hopkinton” (fuging tune): 926, 2889
Lord, when thou
dids’t ascend on high “Washington” or “Bear Creek” (fuging tune): 714
Majestic God our muse
inspire “Invocation”: 1773
Methinks I see a
heavenly host of angels “Boston” or “Christmas Anthem”: 262, 853, 926, 941,
1408, 1766, 2419, 2889, 2921
Methinks I see a
heavenly host of angels “Shiloh” or “Shepherd’s Carol”: 926, 941, 1023, 1294,
1410, 1608, 1994, 2122, 2126, 2133, 2240, 2261, 2443, 2889, 2894; (arr by A
Kaplan): 2288
Mourn, mourn “Be
Glad Then America” or “Anthem for a Fast Day”: 739, 926, 986, 2057, 2379, 2889
My beloved! haste
away “Richmond”: 1773
My flesh shall
slumber in the ground “Rutland”: 1023
My friends, I am
going “The Dying Christian’s Last Farewell”: 714
O praise the Lord
of Heaven “An Anthem for Thanksgiving”: 776, 996, 1023, 1337, 1409
Our Father, who
art in heaven “Kittery”: 646, 926, 1262, 2889
Refoice ye shining
worlds “Dedham” (fuging tune): 941
Samuel the priest
“Funeral Anthem”: 1023
The Lord is risen
indeed “Easter Anthem”: 646, 778, 926, 1023, 1319, 1394, 1806, 2379, 2889, 3294
The states, O Lord,
with songs of praise “Independence”: 1710
They that go down
to the sea “Euroclydon”: 1023, 1232, 2057
Thus said the
High, the Lofty One (canon): 1146, 1180
Wake every breath
and every string (canon): 1809, 2057
Was not the day
dark and gloomy “Retrospect”: 2057
When I have placed
my trust in God “The Bird”: 926, 1337, 2889
When I with
pleasing wonder stand “Creation” (fuging tune): 986, 2057, 2889
When Jesus wept
“Emmaus” (canon): 646, 926, 941, 986, 1169, 1409, 1647, 2889
While shepherds
watch their flocks “Bethlehem”: 262, 1294, 1410, 1977, 1994, 2921
Who is this that
cometh from Edom: 1599
Bingham, J.
Clifton (19th cen)
secular – solo
songs: 3098
Bingham, Judith
(1952- )
secular –
contemporary: 2574
Communion Service
“Mass” (with additional text): 3575
Deep midwinter,
the dark centre of the year “Epiphany”: 3526
Bingham, Seth
Jubilate Deo: 461
Binkerd, Gordon
W. (1916-2003)
secular –
arrangements: 1575, 1576
Ad te levavi: 298
Alleluia “Alleluia
for St. Thomas”: 2669
Birch, Robert
Fairfax (1917- )
secular –
partsongs: 2669
Bird, Dan (=
Dan C., 1940- ?; 20th cen)
Be still, my soul
(arr): 2744
“Canticle of
Faithfulness”: 1163
Bird, Hubert C.
(1939- )
secular –
contemporary: 2287
O thou who
clotheth the lillies “The Invited”: 1759
Bisbee, B.
Wayne (1934- )
Christ is risen!
Alleluia!: 2981
Come, adore him:
Hosanna! Blessed
is he: 3392
Bish, Diane J. (1941- )
A Symphony of
Hymns: 808
A Symphony of
Psalms: 808
Bishart, John
(20th cen)
There is no rose:
Bishop, Henry
secular – glees:
464, 516, 517, 685, 1241, 3118
secular – solo
songs: 2159, 3086
Bissell, Keith
W. (1912-92)
secular –
partsongs: 2712, 3242
secular –
arrangements: 1441, 2430
Communion Service
“Missa Brevis No. 3”: 546
In Bethlehem (arr):
The Gracious
Time: 1251
When Mary riding
slowly “Mary and Joseph”: 983
(Byttering, early 15th cen)
En Katerine
solemnia: 2092, 2391
Nesciens mater:
2092, 2213
Bjerring, Peter
T. (1954- )
secular –
contemporary: 2749
Black, (20th cen)
With candles
bright (arr): 3185
Black, Charles
(1903- )
High in the starry
heavens: 1803
To Calvary’s
summit: 1803
Black, John
The mighty God,
th’ Eternal “Ane Lesson upon the Feiftie Psalme” (solo): 1933
Black, John,
Rev. (1817-71)
hymn tunes: 2490
Blackford, Richard (20th-21st
Can I see another’s sorrow “On Another’s Sorrow”: 3583
David (1960- )
The Virgin Mary
had a baby boy (arr): 1559
Blair, Hugh
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in B minor: (M) 559, 650, 1828,
(M) 2020
Blake, Howard
(1938- )
secular – solo
songs: 3061, 3211
secular –
partsongs: 2628
Communion Service
“Festival Mass”: 728
Blake, Leonard
J. (1907-89)
descants: 743,
And now another
day is gone: 2584
Blakley, D.
Duane (1937- )
Ask ye what great
think I knew: 2961
Blase, Augustus
P. (19th cen)
Now my dear
companions: 1232
Blatchly, Mark
(1960- )
secular –
contemporary: 2060
Communion Service
“Short Mass for Sheffield”: 2722
Give us the wings
of faith: 1992, 2722, 2788, 2888, 3530
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “Third”: 2523
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in B flat “St. Paul’s”: (M) 2584
Silent night
(arr): 1309
With proud
thanksgiving “For the Fallen”: 626, 737, 2320, 2654, 3355
Bledsoe, John
We will all bow
together (solo): 1591
Blevens, (20th cen)
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child (arr): 937
Bliss, Arthur
D. (1891-1975)
secular –
contemporary: 138, 1758, 3567
secular –
cantatas: 1312
Giving myself “A
Prayer to the Infant Jesus”: 177, 260
Lord, make me an
instrument “Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi”: 1312
Lord, who shall
abide in thy tabernacle?: 2497
O give thanks unto
the Lord: 2497
Put thou thy trust
in the Lord: 2089, 2579
Seek the Lord:
Shield of Faith: 2497
Stand up and bless
the Lord your God: 2497
The World is
Charged with the Grandeur of God: 260, 2497
Blitheman, John
(William) (1525-1591)
In pace: 264, 547,
556, 598, 610, 1533, 2118, 2346, 2698, 3123, 3368, 3474
Blow, John
secular – solo
songs: 1181, 1200, 1416, 2908
secular –
madrigals: 1743
secular –
dialogues: 1181
secular –
cantatas: 309, 1181
secular – catches:
646, 701, 967, 1198, 2278, 2872
And art thou
griev’d (solo); 1466
Behold, O God our
defender: (original version): 672; (revised version): 3069, 3117
Blessed is the
man: 22, 1517
Cry aloud and
spare not: 22, 1517
Gloria Patri, qui
ereavit nos: 1181, 2324
God is our hope
and strength: 1517
God spake
sometimes in visions: 22, 248, 672, 1517, 3069
Help, father
Abraham “Dialogue between Dives and Abraham” (solo): 331, 1181
How doth the city
sit solitary: 1517
I beheld, and lo!
a great multitude: 1517, 3122
I said in the
cutting off of my days: 1517
I was glad: 22,
Jubilate Deo in G:
Let my prayer come
up: 2874, 3204
Let they hand be
strengthened: 231, 285, 672, 2600
Lift up your
heads, O ye gates: 1517
Lord, who shall
dwell in thy tabernacle?: 1517
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in G: 231, 1087, 2224
My God, my God,
look upon me: 2, 35, 1813, 3461, 3504
O give thanks unto
the Lord, for he is great: 1517
O Lord, I have
sinned: 1517
O Lord, thou hast
searched me out: 1517, 1551
O mighty God, that
sit’st on high (solo): 1200
O pray for the
peace of Jerusalem: 2, 217, 231, 382, 1238, 1278, 3504
O sing unto the
Lord: 22
Oh! that mine eyes
would melt into a flood (solo): 1200
Paratum cor meum
Deus (solo): 1181, 2809
Praise the Lord, O
my soul: 2324
Quam diligo legem
tuam (solo): 2908
Salvator mundi:
58, 128, 145, 220, 231, 233, 283, 529, 547, 805, 921, 1001, 1007, 1122, 1181,
1484, 2324, 2629, 2760, 3305, 3306, 3528
Sing unto the
Lord, O ye Saints: 153, 3167
The Lord even the
most mighty: 1551
The Lord hear
thee: 323
The Lord is a sun
and a shield: 3204
The Lord is my
shepherd: 1517
Turn thee unto me,
O Lord: 1517
Blumlein, David (20th-21st
secular –
arrangements: 3449
Boatner, Edward
H. (1898-1981)
Done made my vow
to the Lord (arr): 640
Give my your hand
(arr): 2175
Good news! the chariot’s
a’ comin’ (arr): 2175
I am a poor
pilgrim of sorrow “A City Called Heaven” (arr; solo): 1412
I want Jesus to
walk with me (arr): (solo): 2138; (choral): 1462
I’m “Trampin’”
(arr; solo): 1591, 2138
My good Lord’s
done been here (arr): 2175
Oh, what beautiful
city! (arr; solo): 1298, 1839
On ma journey now,
Mount Zion (arr): (solo): 1582, 1616, 1796, 3427; (choral): 1462, 1767; (revised
by L de Paur): 2216
Soon-a will be
done (arr; solo): 1616, 1796
Who is that yonder
(arr): 1148
Howard L. (1918-99)
Grant that our
prayer “Six Prayers of Kierkegaared” (solo): 2181
Bobb, Barry L.
(1951- )
He did not wait
“He Came with His Love” (with JM Thompson): 1979
David (1945- )
"The Creation”
(with S Porter): 3079
Bock, Almon C.,
II (1945- )
Sleep thou, my
baby “Mary’s Lullaby”: 1627
Bock, Fred
He is born (arr):
He never sleeps
(arr): 2748
O let your soul
now be filled with gladness (arr): 1434, 2746
Boda, (John 1957- ?;
Before the falling
of the stars: 1608
Bodine, Willis
(20th cen)
Communion Service:
(S) 1981
Body, Jack
(1944- )
Eya, martyr
Stephane “Carol to St. Stephen”: 278, 2708
People, look east:
277, 2471, 2557
Bogdan, Michael (= Michael J.,
1954- ?; 20th-21st
Lord, show us your mercy and love: 3456
Bohn, David (20th cen)
secular – arrangements
(with J McKelvey): 2979
Boland, William
(20th cen)
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child (arr): 2854
William E. (1938- )
Neighbors on this
frosty tide “Carol” (with J Morris): 2882
Bold, Thomas
(1952- )
“A Lullaby/Away in
a Manger”: 3225
Assumpta est
Maria: 1549
Boles, Frank W.
(1955- )
Adam lay ybounden:
1101, 1357, 2202, 2793
Alleluia, alleluia!
“O Sons and Daughters”: 1600
Arise, shine
“Surge, Illuminare” or “The Third Song of Isiah”: 1101
Benedictus Es “A
Song of Praise”: 2636
Christ upon the
mountain peak: 2461
For God alone
“Psalm 62” (from Two Psalm Motets): 452
God is our refuge
and strength: 3438
I was glad: 452
In the hour of my
distress “Litany to the Holy Spirit”: 1600
Lord, make us
servants of your peace: 2461
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis: 1101
Send out your
light (from Two Psalm Motets): 452
We know that
Christ is raised (arr): 1600
We the Lord’s
people: 2461
Bolks, Dick (1934- )
Who’s that baby
“Straw Carol” (arr): 2362
Bonde, Allen (1936- )
Gloria in excelsis
Deo “A Fanfare”: 2289
Bonds, Margaret
A. (1913-72)
secular – solo songs:
1336, 2353
Dese ole bones o’
mine “Dry Bones” (arr; solo): 1336
He’s got the whole
world in his hand (arr): (solo): 1336, 1582, 2385, 3227, 3543; (choral): 1462,
1767, 2216
I am a poor
pilgrim of sorrow “A City Called Heaven” (arr): 1767
I wish I knew how
it would feel to be free (arr): 1767
It’s me, O Lord
“Standin’ in the Need of Prayer” (arr): 1767
Joshua fit da battle
of Jericho (arr; solo): 1582
Lord, I just can’t
keep from cryan’ (arr; solo): 1336, 3543
Sinner, please
don’t let this harvest pass (arr): 1767
Sit down, servant
(arr): 1767, 2216
Bone, David L. (1960- )
This little light
of mine (arr): 2783
Bonhorst, (20th cen)
Blind man stood on
the road (arr): 2572
Rosalie (1946- )
Bread of life and
cup of blessing: 1658
Mantra”: 1659
Our blessing cup
(responsorial anthem): 1659
Who is this
crowned with glory “O Gates, Lift Up Your Heads” (responsorial anthem): 1658
Booker, Henry
(20th cen)
Go tell it on the
mountain (arr): 266
Boone, John
William “Blind Boone” (1864-1927)
War shall we go
when de great day comes? (solo): 2353
Booth, Josiah
Anglican chants:
812, 978
Patricia P. (1947- )
Send me, O Lord,
send me: 2728
Sidney Marquez (1970- )
Maawa ka (Have
mercy) (solo): 2262
Botten, John
(1971- )
Take a long deep
breath: 2942
Boughen, Robert
(1929- )
Adam lay
y-bounden: 2630
Gloria: 2773
Gloria “Christmas
Gloria”: 1553
Rutland (1878-1960)
secular –
partsongs: 682
Bethlehem: 3413
The holly and the
ivy (arr): 1352, 3059, 3067, 3129
Bouman, Paul
(1918- )
A babe is born:
Amazing grace
(arr): 1809
Behold the Lamb of
God: 2282
Create in me a
clean heart: 1427
I lift up my eyes
to the hills: 846, 2454, 2461, 2792
No other
foundation can anyone lay: 2282
Save me, O God:
Derek (1941- )
The plum and wasp
“Harvest Anthem”: 664
Bourland, Roger
(1952- )
secular –
contemporary: 1059
Bourne, Andrew
(20th cen)
Anglican chants:
Jesu sweete sone
deare: 2020
Christopher (1945- )
autograph: 2626
secular –
contemporary: 2592
Anglican chants:
Qui creavit celum
(arr): 2626
The Lord at first
did Adam make (arr): 2277
Bowles, Paul
secular – solo
songs: 2465
Bowman, Paul
(1972- )
In manus tuas: 2632
Boyce, R.
Fisher (19th cen)
hymn tunes: 3225
Boyce, William
secular –
cantatas: 2686
secular – solo
songs: 1239, 1743, 2435
secular – catches:
701, 2872
secular – glees:
hymn tunes: 899,
3148, 3155
Anglican chants:
867, 1351, 1740, 1824, 2821
All the ends of
the earth: 3448
Alleluia (canon):
1256, 2965
Be thou my judge,
O Lord: (exc) 2584
By the waters of
Come, Holy Ghost:
David’s Lament
over Saul and Jonathan: (1736 version, exc): 2686; (1744 version): 2686
Examine me, O
Lord: 2888
Give the king thy
judgements: 2191
Glory be to God on
high (canon): 2154
I have surely
built thee an house: 7, 49, 230, 354, 1040
Jubilate Deo in C:
1068, 1275
Lord, Thou Hast
Been Our Refuge: 2146
O be joyful: 230
O give thanks:
230, 1040
O praise the Lord:
(exc) 900, 1040
O turn away mine
eyes (solo): 2888, 3136
O where shall
wisdom be found: 2, 7, 547, 718, 921, 1040, 1813, 2373, 3461, 3502, 3521
Praise the Lord, O
Save me, O God:
230, 2401
Te Deum in C: 1068
The heavens
declare the glory of God: 380, (exc) 3285, (exc) 3504
The king shall
rejoice: 3204
The Lord is King:
The sorrows of my
heart: 1160, 2888
Turn thee unto me,
O Lord: 7, (exc) 128, 230, 283, 718, 1040, 1632, 1749, 3503
Wherewithal shall
a young man: 1040
Boyd, Clifford
(1930- )
A babe is born:
Boyle, Malcolm
C. (1902-76)
Anglican chants:
Before thy throne:
Daughters of
Thou, O God, art
praised in
Joseph, Jr. (1797-1882)
hymn tunes: 1099,
William (20th cen)
Savior, like a
shepherd lead us: 1471, 1479
William B. (1816-68)
hymn tunes: 2958,
Esther, the
Beautiful Queen
(exc): 1726
Bradfield, Bart
(1965- )
descants: 1477
Christ our Paschal
sacrifice “Your Gave Us Life”: 2396
Christmas Day is
come: 1979
Kings so fair and
glorious: 1979
Obedience and
fraternal charity “This Was Your Way of Life”: 2534
Barlow (20th cen)
What child is this
(arr): 1680
Merrill K. (1929- )
Metaphors (exc): 1392
Oh, Lord, I would
hear thy word: 1423
Nicholas (20th cen)
I’ll walk with God
(arr): 2664
Brahe, May H. (see also pseudo
hymn tunes: 453,
495, 642, 1617, 1767, 1815, 2723, 3098, 3380
Bramma, Harry
(1936- )
O salutaris
hostia: 3158
Tantum ergo
sacramentum: 3158
Brandon, George
A. (1924-2001)
Go tell it on the
mountain (arr): 3188
Brant, Henry D.
(1913- )
secular – contemporary:
Bratt, C.
Griffith (1914- )
Mysteriosa rosa
est: 1496
Braud, Dominic
(1928- )
hymn tunes: 1623
Bray, Kenneth
I. (1919-99)
secular –
partsongs: 1061
Douglas (1943- )
Alleluia: 485,
Alexander (1889-1950)
hymn tunes: 2435
Brewer, A.
Herbert (1865-1928)
As the hart pants: 3491
Blessing, glory,
wisdom and thanks: 3491
Bow down thine
ear: 3491
Glorious and
powerful God “God Within”: 3491
God is our hope
and strength: 3491
Let the people
praise thee: 3491
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in B flat: 3491
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in C: 3491
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in D: 329, 650, (M) 755, 1226, 1374, 2421, (M) 2995, 3036, 3280,
3307, 3447, 3491
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in E flat: 1571, (M) 1580
O death, where is thy
sting: 3491
O Lord God: 902,
Prevent us, O
Lord: 681, 2453, 3491
The Holy
Innocents (exc): 3491
Brewer, John
Hyatt (1856-1931)
O holy night
(arr): 3279
Brewer, Richard
H. (1921- )
Sing! Sing! Sing!
(arr): 468
Brewer, Robert
(1952- )
Come, O thou
traveller (arr): 1289
Comfort ye, my
people (arr): 2372
Brewer, Thomas
secular – catches:
Brian, Havergal
Psalm 23: 450, 3278
Bridge, Frank
secular –
partsongs: 513, 686, 3493
A Prayer: 355, 2709, 3278
O men from the
hills “Mantle of Blue” (solo): 3367
Bridge, J.
Frederick (1844-1924)
secular – glees:
516, 685, 3086
secular –
partsongs: 126
God’s goodness:
In sorrow and in
want: 393, 2817
O hearken thou
(arr): see AS Sullivan
Rejoice in the
Lord: 593
Ring out with
jocund chime: 415
Briggs, David
(1962- )
Communion Service
secular –
contemporary: 332, 469, 477, 939, 2407, 2424, 2607, 2856
Glory be to God
“Antiphonal Gloria”: 474
Holy, holy “Dawn”
(from Four Sacred Songs for the Night): 481, 2669
I hear a voice
a-prayin’: 469, 1143, 1808, 2309, 2393, 2469, 2665, 3453
Kyrie eleison: 469
The lovely saints:
The rising sun “
Brill, Leo (20th cen)
Zacharti lach
(Nevertheless I will remember my covenant) (solo): 2241
Brimley, John
Responses: 1832
Let your bearing
in life: 259
Lord of all being,
throned afar: 2734
Bristow, George
Fredrick (1825-98)
Praise to God:
(exc) 249
Benjamin (1913-76)
secular –
arrangements: (solo): 3211; (choral): 180, 336, 1047, 1765, 2111, 2524, 3136
secular –
partsongs: 180, 336, 513, 624, 1241, 1448, 1575, 1576, 1609, 1932, 2253, 2287,
2407, 3266, 3299, 3356, 3493
secular – solo
songs: 1589, 3126, 3136, 3211, 3367
secular – song
realizations (by H Purcell): see H Purcell
secular –
contemporary: 29, 88, 92, 110, 171, 180, 336, 513, 700, 735, 1176, 1334, 2060,
2365, 2715, 3022, 3131, 3159
realizations of
works by P Humfrey: see P Humfrey
realizations of works
by H Purcell: see H Purcell
descants: 2268
A Boy Was Born: 286, 426, (exc) 487, (exc) 631, 700,
(exc) 1029, (exc) 1092, 1547, (exc) 2127, (exc) 2593, (exc) 2795, (exc) 2875, (exc) 3236, (exc) 3302
A Ceremony of
Carols: (trebles’
version): 6, 29, (exc) 45, 178, (exc) 229, (exc) 391, 525, (exc) 578, 631, 689,
711, (exc) 826, 984, (exc) 1061, 1207, (exc) 1215, 1222, 1228, 1283, (exc)
1525, (exc) 1542, 1561, 1609, 1692, 1763, (exc) 1947, (exc) 1978, (exc) 2082,
(exc) 2083, 2253, (exc) 2312, (exc) 2329,
(exc) 2344, 2338, (exc) 2375, (exc) 2447, (exc) 2463, (exc) 2472, 2476,
2614, 2692, 2738, 2788, (exc) 2793, 2795, 2807, (exc) 2891, (exc) 3025, 3080, 3090, 3159, 3161, (exc)
3266, (exc) 3286, (exc) 3345, 3388, (exc) 3463,
(exc) 3469, (exc) 3540; (full choir version): 3506
A.M.D.G.: 700
As I sat under a
sycamore tree “The Sycamore Tree”: 1707, 3175
Misericordium: 961
Christmas eve and
twelve of the clock “The Oxen”: 2253
Nativity: 1547
Communion Service
in D “Missa Brevis”: 6, 29, 110, 164, 307, 487, 521, 674, 901, 1345, 1532,
1609, (G, S) 1971, 2125, (S, AD) 2223, 2462, (K, S, B, AD) 2474, (G) 2699,
2742, 2750, 2791, (exc) 2792, 2829,
3161, 3287
Deus in adjutorium
meum: 513, 961, 965, 3493, 3581
He bare him up
“Corpus Christi Carol”: (solo): 3211, 3229;
(choral): 96, 237, 1565, 1755, 3533
Here we bring new
water “A New Year Carol” (from Friday Afternoons): (solo): 2435, 3063,
3211, 3397; (choral): 526, 1673, 2085, 2099, 2127, 2229, 2478, 2677, 3041,
3049, 3369, 3486, 3533
In the garden
“Rosa Mystica”: 2658
Jesu, as thou art
our saviour: 98, 105, 2102
Jubilate Deo in C:
20, 31, 32, 36, 44, 110, 157, 183, 297, 313, 322, 398, 433, 565, 692, 732, 842,
962, 965, 1225, 1319, 1533, 1547, 1629, 1691, 1931, 2085, 2089, 2090, 2180,
2198, 2239, 2246, 2258, 2459, 2626, 2678, 2896, 2920, 2992, 3055, 3088, 3131,
3238, 3283, 3330, 3473, 3493
Jubilate Deo in E flat: 513, 730, 2313, 3223, 3421, 3493
Love has made them
one “A Wedding Anthem” or “Amo Ergo Sum”: 426
O lift your little
pinkie “A Shepherd’s Carol”: 1493, 1547, 3494
O, praise God in
his holiness “Psalm 150”: 88, 1253, 1357, 2792, 3164
Of one that is so
fair and bright “A Hymn to the Virgin”: 32, 35, 110, 305, 336, 371, 615, 730,
842, 1100, 1207, 1396, 1402, 1444, 1491, 1504, 1547, 1663, 1996, 2002, 2062,
2082, 2162, 2250, 2359, 2390, 2478, 2509, 2577, 2651, 2653, 2656, 2677, 2699,
2726, 2788, 2823, 2878, 3059, 3062, 3088, 3131, 3173, 3177, 3198, 3508
Our Father whose
creative will “Chorale on an Old French Carol”: 961
Praised be the God
of Love “Antiphon”: 31, 39, 303, 404, 1082, 1273, 2063, 3055, 3131
Regis regum
rectissimi “A Hymn of St. Columba”: 110, 134, 398, 886, 1032, 1055, 1627, 1966,
2721, 2924, 3131
Rejoice in the
Lamb: 6, 20, 286,
426, 445, 508, 702, 725, 997, (exc) 1102, (exc) 2262, 2416, 3263, 3330
Sacred and
Profane: 171, (exc)
Sweet was the
song: 1651, 2253
Te Deum in C: 20,
31, 44, 271, 302, 432, 562, 692, 1316, 1403, 1429, 1547, 1604, 1691, 1774,
2089, 2198, 2472, 2592, 2899, 3055, 3131, 3159, 3391, 3438, 3509, 3521
Te Deum in E
“Festival”: 20, 32, 110, 186, 232, 233, 423, 426, 780, 917, 1033, 1373, 1605,
2078, 2555, 3186, 3356
The Holy
Sonnets of John Donne
(solo): 1589
The holly and the
ivy (arr): 26, 2006
The spirit of the
Lord “The World of the Spirit”: 2412
There was a star
“King Herod and the Cock” (arr): 2253
Thou shalt make
them princes “Hymn to St. Peter”: 31, 110, 134, 307, 738, 1297, 1444, 1663,
2271, 2321, 3055, 3131
Venite: 513, 3493
When Jesus Christ
was four years old “The Birds”: (solo): 3211; (choral): 1179, 2253, 3041
When ye got “A
Wealden Trio: Christmas Song of the Women”: 2253
Brian (1926-95)
secular –
partsongs: 3356
Christ is now
rysen agayne: 192, 199, 3356
Come Holy Spirite,
most blessed Lord: 3356
Now blessed be
thou, Christ Jesu: 3356
Brody, Jeffrey
(20th cen)
Be joyful in the
Lord “Psalm 100”: 1418
Come, my Way “The
Call”: 1662
Bromen, Thomas
(20th cen)
secular –
arrangements: 3230
Brooksbank, H.
Anglican chants:
secular –
contemporary: 1827
Brough, George
(20th cen)
“Angels” (arr):
Silent night
(arr): 1049
Brown, Arthur
Henry (1830-1926)
hymn tunes: 2130
Brown, Charles
F. (1942- ?; 20th cen)
I will lift up
mine eyes: 2280
O when shall I see
“The Morning Trumpet” (arr): 948
Christopher (1943- )
Anglican chants:
Laudate Dominum:
There is no rose
of such virtue: 1430, 2412
Brown, D. (20th cen)
He never sleeps
(arr): 1434
Brown, Gary (20th cen)
Good news!
chariot’s a-comin’ (arr): 3195
Brown, Gerald
E. (20th cen)
Joshua fought the
battle “The Battle of Jericho” (arr): 2859
Brown, Kenneth
(1891, or 1905- )
Glory to thee, my
God this night (arr): 2609, 3219
Brown, Lawrence
(20th cen)
Dere’s no hidin’
place (arr; solo): 2138
Didn’t my Lord
deliver Daniel (arr; solo): 3427
Ev’ry time I feel
the spirit (arr; solo): 3427
Goin’ to ride up
in de chariot (arr; solo): 3427
Hear de lams
a-cryin’ (arr; solo): 1796
I know de Lord’s
laid his hands on me (arr; solo): 3427
I’m goin’ to tell
God all my troubles (arr; solo): 2004, 3427
In dat “Great
Gittin’ Up Mornin’” (arr; solo): 2138
Joshua fit de
battle of
Nobody knows de
trouble I’ve seen (arr; solo):1615, 1616
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child (arr; solo): 1615, 2138
Swing low, sweet
chariot (arr; solo): 3427
You hear “Hear de
Lam’s a-Cryin’” (arr; solo): 1616
Brown, M. S.
(1951- )
Come, let us sing
(arr): 1357
Brown, O. B.
(19th cen)
secular –
partsongs: 897
Sebastian (20th cen)
There’s a star in
the east “Rise Up, Shepherd” (arr): 3047
Brown, Uzee,
Jr. (1950- )
I’m buildin’ me a
home (arr): 1290
Mary had a baby
(arr): 1355
Oh, Mary, what you
gonna call your pretty little baby? (arr; solo): 3227
There are angels
hov’rin’ round’ (arr; solo): 3227
Brown, W. H. (18th cen)
secular –
partsongs: 1724, 1725
Browne, Deidre
(20th cen)
responsorial psalm
tunes: 1658
Browne, John
Jhesu, mercy, how
may this be: 1871, 1908, (exc) 2538
O Maria Salvatoris
Mater: 1910, 3564
Salve Regina “No.
1”: 1910, 3564
Stabat iuxta
Christi crucem: 1907, 3564
Stabat Mater:
1908, 2051, 2952, 3564
Browne, P. A.
(20th cen)
Little Lamb, who
made thee? “The Lamb”: 2922
Browne, Richard
secular – catches:
1562, 1816
Oliver (late 18th cen)
hymn tunes: 1146
Jerry, US Navy (= Jerry R., 1946- ?; 20th cen)
O tannenbaum
(arr): 3110
Brubeck, Dave
(1920- )
Beloved Son: (exc) 482, 3568
Communion Service
“To Hope! A Celebration”: 1660
La Fiesta de la
Posado (exc): 484,
485, 947
Pange Lingua
Variations: 3568
Lord’s Prayer
(from “To Hope! A Celebration”): 1660
Shepherds and lambs
were all a trembling: 2080
Sleep holy infant,
sleep: 476
The Light in
the Wilderness (exc):
Voice of the
Holy Spirit: 3568
Brumby, Colin
J. (1933- )
secular –
partsongs: 3212
secular –
arrangements: 2774
secular –
contemporary: 1539
God be in my head:
I will lift up
mine eyes: 1007
Nowell, nowell,
sing one and all: 1553
Of a rose, a
lovely rose: 1464
Three kings in
great glory: 2632
Philip (1943- )
secular –
arrangements: 2046
Fairest Lord Jesus
(arr): 2748
Brunner, David L.
(1953- )
secular –
arrangments: 2712
secular –
partsongs: 2719
Bruno, Malcolm
(1952- )
secular – contemporary:
As I went forth “The
Burning Babe” (solo): 1762
D’ou viens-tu,
bergere “Trois Noels Quebecois” (arr): 2724
Timothy (20th cen)
“Balulalow”: 3281
Bryan, Charles
F. (1911-55)
I have a mother in
the heavens (arr): 1800
O, I have a mother
in “The Promised Land” (arr): 1800
Bryan, Paul
(1950- )
By the waters of
I sing of a
maiden: 3209
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “
Bryant, Giles
(1934- )
Behold, there
shall come forth “The Prophesies”: 1049
Magnificat & Nunc
Dimitis (fauxbourdons): 546
Preces: 3074
(fauxbourdons): 1693
Paulina, Eldress (fl 1854)
hymn tunes: 2261
Bryars, Gavin
(1943- )
secular –
contemporary: 3241
Ave Donna
santissima “Lauda III”: 3402
Lauda novella
“Lauda II”: 3402
Venite a laudare
“Lauda I”: 3402
Annabel Morris (1888-1983)
Jesus born in
Bethlea (arr): 2921
Alleluia, Christ
is risen: 1726
I will lift up
mine eyes: 249
O holy night
(arr): 3187
Rock of ages: 509
Te Deum “Festival,
No 2”: 996
Te Deum in E flat
“Festival, No. 7”: 342, 2517
“The Caravan of
the Magi”: 1726
The Coming of
the King (exc): 1064
The Lord is my
light (solo): 798
Buck, Percy C.
hymn tunes: 550,
696, 3019, 3319
Anglican chants:
454, 923, 1035, 1039, 1224, 1468, 1971
God be merciful
unto us: 164
Into this world of
sorrow: 1094
Judicium (exc): 599
O Lord God: 130,
173, 846, 1339, 1431, 2888
“The Flowering
Manger”: 525
Buck, Zechariah
Anglican chants:
secular –
partsongs: 897
Buhagiar, Dion,
Rev. (20th cen)
religious works in
Maltese: 3253, 3254
Communion Service
“Missa pro Populo in Honorem Beati Georgii Preca”: 3253
Buhr, Glenn (20th cen)
Communion Service
“Ritchot Mass”: 2440
Bull, Amos
hymn tunes: 714
Bull, John
Almighty God, who
by the leading of a star “Starre Anthem”: 252, 916
As beautiful as
May, Christ our pleasure: 252
In the departure of
the Lord: 1152
Bullard, Alan (1947- )
autograph: 3541
material, jacket
secular –
partsongs: 3541, 3572
secular –
contemporary: 3541
Alluluia! When
Christ was born “Angel Alleluias”: 3541, 3572
weather-beaten sail (from Four Sacred Songs): 3541, 3572
Prayer between
nations “Prayer for Peace”: 3541, 3572
Sing glory “
Cantate Gloria”: 3541, 3572
This day to you is
born a child “Scots Nativity”: (trebles’ version): 3541
Bullivant, Gerald (20th
Te Deum in E flat: 3524
Bullock, Ernest
descants: 2579
Christ our
passover is sacrificed for us “Easter Anthem”: 3114
Give laud unto the
Lord: 2120
Give us the wings
of faith: 23, 172, 305, 313, 567, 621, 626, 643, 665, 741, 759, 1032, 1096,
1223, 1275, 1789, 1957, 2233, 2320, 2409, 2578, 2586, 2726, 2883, 2895, 3521,
3530, 3547
Good Christian
men: 2687
Love came down at
Christmas: 1439
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis in D: 2224
O most merciful:
68, 2233
The last and
greatest herald “St. John Baptist”: 2685
Bunjes, Paul G.
A mighty fortress
is my God (arr): 3335
All glory, laud
and honor (arr): 3335
Be not far from
me, O Lord “Introit for Palmarum” (Gregorian chant arr): 3335
Benedictus (with
additional text; arr): 3335
Built on the rock
the Church doth stand (arr): 3335
Comfort, comfort
ye my people (arr): 3335
I know that my
Redeemer lives (arr): 3335
In dulci jubilo
(arr): 3335
Jesus, sum of
life, my splendor (arr): 3335
Once again my
heart rejoices (arr): 3335
Praise the
Almighty, my soul (arr): 1527, 3335
This is the day
which the Lord hath made “Intravenient Chant for East Sunday” (Gregorian chant
arr): 3335
Bunney, Herrick
The first great
joy “The Seven Joys of Mary” (arr): 3053
Bunny, Andrew
(1955- )
May your love be
upon us, O Lord (from Two Anthems): 1972
To thee, O Lord, I
lift up my soul (from Two Anthems): 1972
Burch, Mervyn
(20th cen)
secular –
arrangements: 2339
Burge, John
(1961- )
Thank-you God:
Burgess, Henry,
Jr. (1738-65)
secular – solo
cantatas: 2649
Burgett, Harvey
(20th cen)
Alleluia. I am the
living bread: 1930
Communion Service
“Mass for Three Voices”: (AD) 1930
O sacrum
convivium: 1930
Pange lingua: 1930
Fredrick (1941- )
Anglican chants:
Preces: 251, 1971
Geoffrey (1941- )
secular –
contemporary: 1320
A god and yet a
man?: 3369
Almighty God,
Father of Heaven “A Prayer to the Trinity”: 425
At the round
world’s imagined corners: 425
Blessed be that
Lady bright (from Two Hymns to Mary): 425
Communion Service
“Short Mass”: 425
Hail Queen of
Heaven (from Two Hymns to Mary): 425
Laudate Dominum:
425, 553, 2580
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis: (ND solo version): (ND) 300, 425, (ND) 2458, (ND) 2654, (ND)
2699, (ND) 2789, (ND) 3234, (ND) 3355,
(ND) 3397; (ND choral version): 2752
My love’s the
mountain songs “But Have Been Found Again”: 425, 1320, 3585
O dreadful death
“This World From”: 425
Songs of
Creation: 1699
The Fall of
Lucifer: 1320
The Fire of
Heaven: 1320
(20th cen)
I bind unto myself this day “St. Patrick’s Prayer” (arr): 3523
Burke, Samuel (1954- )
autograph: 2605
hymn fauxbourdons:
Now the green
blade riseth: 2605
Set me as a seal:
2605, 2785
The Truth from
above: 2605
Trinity of love:
Michael (1957- )
All my hope on God
is founded (arr): 2991
Blest be the God
of Israel: 2991
I will exalt my
God and King (arr): 2981
Love divine, all
loves excelling (arr): 3574
O Lord, throughout
all generations “Psalm 90”: 3228
Praise the Lord! O
heavens: 2991
Rejoice, rejoice,
the Savior comes: 3321
Savior of the
Nations, Come (arr):
Burleigh, Henry
“Harry” Thacker (1866-1949)
secular – solo
songs: 1377, 1488, 2353, 2638, 3227
secular –
arrangements: 1292, 1377, 2353
Been a’ lis’nin’
“Hard Trials” (arr; solo): 1488, 2138
Behold that star
(arr; solo): 2139
By an’ by (arr;
solo): 1377, 1615, 1965, 3427
De gospel train is
comin’ (arr; solo): 1582, 1616, 1796, 1839, 2004
Deep river (arr):
(solo): 1298, 1377, 1462, 1488, 2385, 3427; (choral): 627, 1144, 1519, 1567,
2326, 2469, 3238
Didn’t my Lord deliver
Daniel? (arr; solo): 1488
Down in de valley
“Dry Bones” (arr; solo): 1488
Ev’ry time I feel
de spirit (arr): (solo): 1377; (choral): 1767; (revised by L de Paur): 2216
Ezekiel saw the
wheel (arr): 2400
Forty days, forty
nights “Oh, Didn’t It Rain” (arr; solo): 1567, 1591, 2138
I am seekin’ for a
city “I Don’t Feel No-Ways Tired” (arr; solo): 3227
I couldn’t
“Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray” (arr; solo): 1567, 1839
I got a robe
“Heav’n, Heav’n” (arr; solo): 1377, 2138
I met my mother
“Scandalize My Name” (arr; solo): 2138
I stood on de
ribber ob Jerdon (arr; solo): 1567, 2138
If there’s anybody
here like “Weepin’ Mary” (arr; solo): 1567
Let us cheer the
weary traveller (arr): 1767
Little David, play
on your harp (arr; solo): 1298, 1567
My Lord, what a
mornin’ (arr): (solo): 1616, 1796, 3427; (choral): 1154, 1384, 1456, 1567,
1701, 1715, 1808, 2139, 2303, 2607, 2625, 2741, 2825
Nobody knows the
trouble I’ve seen (arr): (solo): 1298, 1567; (choral): 1839
Oh, didn’t it rain
(arr; solo): 1377
Oh, Peter, go
ring-a dem bells (arr): (solo): 2138; (choral): 177
Oh, wasn’t dat a
wide ribber (arr; solo): 2138
Promis’ land
(solo): 1377
Ride on, King Jesus
(arr; solo): 1616, 1796, 1839
Sinner please
(arr; solo): 1616, 1796
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child (arr; solo): 1298, 1567, 1839, 3227
Stan’ still,
Jordan (arr; solo): 1488
Steal away (arr):
(solo): 1298, 1567; (choral): 1839
Swing low, sweet chariot
(arr; solo): 1377, 2385
There flew to a
lily a silver dove “The Dove and the Lily” (arr; solo): 1488
There is a “Balm
in Gilead” (arr; solo): 1615
“Tis me, O Lord
(arr; solo) 1839
Wade in de water
(arr; solo): 1377, 1488
Were you there
(arr): (solo): 1291, 1567, 1616, 1796; (choral): 172, 266, 463, 627, 1080,
1145, 1640, 1992, 3495
When Egypt was in
Israel’s land “Go Down Moses” (arr; solo): 1615
When I’m gone
“Don’t You Weep When I’m Gone” (arr; solo): 1488
You “Hear de Lambs
A-Cryin’” (arr; solo): 1488
Burnam, Jack
(1946- )
Come, thou fount
of every blessing (arr): 237
Burney, Charles
Tell us, O women:
Burnham, Mark
(early 19th cen)
hymn tunes: 3156
Jesus, thy blood
and righteousness (attr; also attr Clarke; fuging tune): 3155
Burns, James
M., Rev. (1930- )
responsorial psalm
tunes: 2558
Praise to the Lord
(arr): 2558
Burrell, Diana
(1948- )
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “For Treble Voices”: 2334
Burroughs, Bob
(1937- )
I was not skilled
to understand: 478
None other Lamb,
none other name: 2074
O Lord of life:
Praise the Lord
“Praise Alleluia!”: 482
Benjamin (1891-1966)
By the waters of
Babylon “Psalm 137” (from Five Psalms): 2161
God is our hope
and strength “Psalm 46” (from Five Psalms): 2161
I’m just a poor
“Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger” (arr): 3321
Out of the deep
“Psalm 130” (from Five Psalms): 2161
Te Deum: 2160
The Lord’s my
shepherd “Psalm 23” (from Five Psalms; arr): 2161
When Israel came
out of Egypt “Psalm 114” (from Five Psalms): 2161
J. ( )
Anglican chants:
Burt, Alfred S.
Ah, bleak and
chill the wintry wind: 474, 2010, 2240, 2386, 2823
Bright, bright the
hollies “This Is Christmas”: 475, 2010
caroling: 470, 474, 1318, 1496, 1506, 2010, 2447, 2958, 3288, 3442, 3506
Christmas cometh
carolling: 2010
Come, dear
children: 2010, 3288
I met a stranger
“Christ in the Stranger’s Guise”: 2010, 3288
Jesu parvule: 475,
2010, 2240, 2386, 2946
Long years ago
“Star Carol”: 475, 1496, 2010
Nigh Bethlehem:
2010, 2386
O hearken ye: 470,
475, 2010
Oh, who are these
“All on a Christmas Morning”: 474, 2010, 2823
Sleep, baby mine:
Some children see
him: 475, 2010, 2240, 3075
We’ll dress the
house: 474, 2010, 2823, 2958, 3288, 3506
What are the
signs: 615, 2010
Burt, Nicholas
(20th cen)
Cantata: 1281
O God of love:
2093, 3282
Te Deum
“Anniversary”: 1281
Burton, (20th cen)
Ev’ry time I feel
the spirit (arr): 2629
Burton, Avery
Communion Service
“Hexachord Mass”: (S, AD) 754
Burton, Ken (20th cen)
By and by (arr):
Go down Moses “Let
My People Go” (arr): 1839
I got a home up
in-a that Kingdom “Good News” (arr): 1839
I want Jesus to
“Walk with Me” (arr): 1839
Burton, Peter
Communion Service
in F “Simple”: 2076, 3008
Lord’s Prayer
(from “Simple Communion Service in F”): 3008
Busarow, Donald
A. (1934- )
secular –
arrangements: 3228
hymn tunes: 276
Gentle Mary laid
her child (arr): 2398
He comes to us
(arr): 2988
I heard the voice
of Jesus say (arr): 3248
In peace and joy I
now depart (arr): 1501
My song is love
unknown (arr): 2844
Bush, (20th cen)
Little Jesus
sweetly sleep (arr): 2325
Bush, Geoffrey
A Christmas
Cantata: 571, (exc)
Communion Service
“Missa Brevis Salisburiensis”: 560
Drop, drop slow
tears “Tears”: 560
In Praise of
Mary: 518
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “Collegium Madgalenae”: (M) 5
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “St. Paul’s”: 560
Nova, nova, Ave
fit “Gabriel of High Degree”: 508, 560, 997
O salutaris hostia
(from Two Latin Hymns): 166, 560
Praise the Lord, O
my soul: 560
Tantum ergo (from Two
Latin Hymns): 560
The earth is the
Lord’s “Psalm 24”: 560
“Twas in the year
that King Uzziah died: 560
Bush, Nancy (20th cen)
O gloriosa Domina
(with M Head; solo): 2359
Butler, Eugene
S. (1935- )
secular –
partsongs: 2750, 2853, 2857, 2860, 2917, 2918, 2970, 3457
secular –
contemporary: 1904, 3457
Come hear the
Christmas story: 1825, 3457
Come, peace of
God: 3457
Gentle Mary,
lovely Maid “Jesus Child”: 1825
Glorificamus te:
How excellent thy
name: 2972, 3428
I appeal to you
“The Mercies of God”: 2154
I give you thanks,
O Lord: 1825
If God be for us:
Let the redeemed
of the Lord say yes!: 3457
Move our hearts
“River and Sky”: 2154
O God, our help in
ages past “Festival Piece on “Saint Anne’” (arr): 2400
O Lord, thou hast
searched me: 3457
O Lord who through
this holy week “Canticle for Holy Week”: 1820
Peaceful was the
night: 2917, 3457
The Christ Child
lay on Mary’s lap “Christ Child Carol”: 1818
The Lord reigns:
There’s a song “A
Song in the Air” (arr): 1825
With our voices
praising God: 1818
Butler, Tillis
(20th cen)
Nunc Dimitis (with
Jm Harris): 3031
James A. (1837-91)
secular –
partsongs: 1726
Nigel (1935- )
Exultate Domino:
Butts, Thomas
(20th cen)
For Christmas Day
(arr): 2629
Byars, Donald
An heavenly song:
277, 1276, 2557
Jesu, the very thought
of thee: 864
O sing we a song of
sweet Mary the Maid: 863, 884
Byles, G.
Huntington (1908-98)
Be still and know:
Kneel and adore
him: 270
Rebekah (20th cen)
The bells on the
earth and in heaven “Christmas Bell Song”: 726
Byrchmore, Ruth
(1966- )
As a vine, so I
brought forth “The Fruit of Glory”: 2564
Byrd, William
secular – madrigals:
1655, 1796, 1868, 2033, 3118
secular – solo
songs: 1795, 1868, 1878, 1887, 1912, 3432, 3531
psalm tunes: 823
psalm tunes (Hear
my prayer; from Preces “Second”): 3132
psalm tunes (O
clap your hands; from Preces “First”): 3132
psalm tunes (Save
me, O God; from Preces “First”): 3132
psalm tunes (When
Israel came out of Egypt; from Preces “Second”): 221, 3132
Ab ortu solis:
1877, 3514
Ad Dominum cum tribularer:
1887, 1890, 2140, 2538
Adoramus te,
Christe (from Gradualia 1605; solo): 2778
Adorna thalamum
tuum (from Gradualia 1605): 3272
Alleluia. Ascendit
Deus (from Gradualia 1607): 127, 3117, 3514, 3529
Alleluia. Ave
Maria (from Gradualia 1605): 1494, 1869
Cognoverunt discipuli: 804, 1877, 2022, 2396, 3514
Confitemini Domino: 2140
Alleluia. Emitte
Spiritum tuum (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
Alleluia. Laudate
Dominum omnes gentes (from Gradualia 1605): 2778
Alleluia. Laudate
pueri Dominum: 2140
Alma redemptoris
mater (from Gradualia 1605): 1988
Amen: 1513
An earthy tree, a
heavenly fruit: 362, 554, 1677, 2891
Angelus Domini
descendit (from Gradualia 1605): 2778
Ascendit Deus in
jubilatione (from Gradualia 1607): 3415
Aspice, Domine, de
sede (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 3272
Aspice, Domine,
quia facta est (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 2492
Assumpta est Maria
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 1880
Attolite portas
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1228, 1879, 1887, 1919, 2492
Audivi vocem de
caelo: 1988
Ave Maria (from Gradualia
1605): 1869, 1988, 2634
Ave Regina
Caelorum (from Gradualia 1605): 1880, 2209, 3272
Ave Regina
Caelorum (attr): 2140
Ave verum corpus
(= O Lord God of Israel; from Gradualia 1605): 114, 120, 139, 158, 174,
253, 320, 322, 398, 422, 442, 461, 531, 549, 552, 558, 630, 644, 677, 702, 735,
736, 788, 804, 844, 963, 965, 968, 976, 1024, 1029, 1092, 1093, 1121, 1193,
1252, 1255, 1274, 1277, 1283, 1310, 1342, 1379, 1396, 1545, 1574, 1701, 1872,
1877, 1919, 1930, 1942, 2031, 2085, 2091, 2173, 2223, 2228, 2252, 2287, 2309,
2409, 2533, 2577, 2652, 2874, 2903, 3088, 3097, 3117, 3119, 3123, 3132, 3208,
3226, 3359, 3394, 3448, 3451, 3482, 3509, 3514, 3547
Beata es, Virgo
Maria (from Gradualia 1605): 1869
Beata Virgo (from Gradualia
1607): 694
Beata viscera,
Maria Virgiis (from Gradualia 1605): 1283, 1869, 2935
Beati mundo corde
(from Gradualia 1605): 1890, 1967
“Great”: 1859, 2188
“Short”: 2022
Benedictus et
venerabilis es (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2062
Benigne fac
Domine: 2426
Blessed is he that
fears the Lord (solo): 1912
Bow thine ear, O
Lord: see Civitas sancti tui
Cantate Domino
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 2052
Care for thy soul
(solo): 1868
Christ rising
again (from Songs of Sundrie Natures): 1878, 2038
Christe qui lux es
et dies (in four parts): 2426
Christe qui lux es
et dies (in five parts): 610, 1206, 1988, 2803
Christe redemptor
omnium: 1988
Christus resurgens
(from Gradualia 1605): 1919, 2778
Cibavit eos (from Gradualia
1605): 1848, 1877, 2209, 2533, 2592, 3033, 3514
Circumdederunt me
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842
Jerusalem: 2426
Civitas sancti tui
(= Bow thine ear, O Lord; from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 147, 206, 691,
774, 1341, 1396, 1614, 2038, 2171, 2642, 3099, 3132, 3264
Come, help, O God:
Communion Service
“Mass for Three Voices”: (AD) 229, (S,
B) 458, (S, B, AD) 1745, 1876, (G) 2895, 3467
Communion Service
“Mass for Four Voices”: 174, (K, AD) 221, 248, (S) 264, (S. B) 293, (S, B, AD)
347, 668, (AD) 882, (AD) 894, (AD) 1394, 1848, 1872, 1876, 1885, (K) 1961, (AD)
2020, (S, B, AD) 2252, 2533, 2569, 2652, (G, S, B, AD) 2869, (K) 3101,
(K) 3146, 3162, (K, AD) 3199,
(AD) 3480
Communion Service
“Mass for Five Voices”: 704, 1399, 1876, 1877, 1890, 1967, (K, AD) 2106, 2209,
2569, (AD) 2755, (AD) 3162, 3202
Communion Service
“Great” (D, C): (C) 1859, 2188
Confirma hoc Deus
(from Gradualia 1607): 2533, 3514
Cunctis diebus
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842
Da mihi auxilium
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1887, 2492
De lamentatione
Jeremiae prophetae “Lamentations”: 1606, 1988
populas: 2140
Defecit in dolore
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1752, 2935
Deo gracias (from Gradualia
1605): 2786
Deus in
adjutoriam: 2140
Deus, venerunt
gentes (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1940, 2935, 3393
Dies sanctificatus
(from Gradualia 1607): 694
Diffusa est gratis
in labis tuis (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 3272
Diliges Dominum
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1890, 2492
Domine ante te
omne desiderium: 2426
Domine Deus
omnipotens: 2426
Domine, non sum
dignus (from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842, 1872
praestolamur (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 2835
Domine quis
habitabit: 1988
Domine, salva nos
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842
Domine, secundum
actum meum (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 1887, 2492
Domine, secundum
multitudinem (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 3272
Domine tu iurasti
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 1940, 2935
Dominus in Sina (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
Ecce advenit
dominator Dominus (from Gradualia 1607): 1183, 2426
Ecce virgo
consipiet (from Gradualia 1605): 1988
Ego sum panis
(from Gradualia 1607): 46, 1877, 2209, 2652, 2844, 3514
Emandemus in
melius (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 120, 1919, 2492, 2652
Exalt thyself, O
God: 410, 1886
Exsurge, Domine (from
Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 131, 232, 514, 555, 1842, 2052, 2190, 2677
Fac cum servo tuo
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842
Factus est repente
(from Gradualia 1607): 2634, 3514
Felix es, sacra
Virgo Maria (from Gradualia 1605): 1869
Felix namque es,
sacra Virgo Maria (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2935
From virgin’s womb
this day did spring (solo): 303, 2038, 3041
Gaude Maria Virgo
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2935
Gaudeamus omnes
(from Gradualia 1605): 1663, 1869, 1880, 1890, 1919, 1967, 2693, 2787
Gloria tibi
Domine: 2555
Great shepherd of
thy people: 3169
Haec dicit Dominus
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842, 1872
Haec dies quam
fecit Dominus (from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 124, 145, 156, 294, 382,
545, 691, 789, 903, 910, 1153, 1274, 1396, 1535, 1606, 1662, 1806, 1813, 1842,
2052, 2633, 2642, 2745, 2760, 2787, 2844, 3002, 3305, 3503
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus (from Gradualia 1605):
2778, 3474
Haec dies quam
fecit Dominus (from Gradualia 1607): 1880, 2778
Have mercy upon
me, O God (from Psalmes, Songs and Sonnets): 1878, 3566
He that all
earthly pleasure scorns (solo): 3531
Hodie beata Virgo
Maria (from Gradualia 1605): 26, 71, 264, 3272
Hodie Christus
natus est (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140, 2277
How vain the toils
that mortal man doth take (solo): 3432
I will not leave
you comfortless: 1500, 2748, 2861, 3368
In exitu Israel (with
J Sheppard, W Mundy): 2140
In resurrectione
tua (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 2052, 3127, 3272
Jesu nostra
redemption (from Gradualia 1607): 583, 3514
Justorum animae
(from Gradualia 1605): 175, 192, 304, 491, 708, 1003, 1209, 1331, 1380,
1663, 1890, 1919, 1967, 2106, 2252, 2533, 2652, 3168, 3474, 3509, 3528
Laetentur coeli
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 250, 371, 458, 494, 1966, 2052, 2471,
2677, 2699, 2877, 3127, 3272
Laudate Dominum
(from Gradualia 1607): 1967
Laudate pueri
Dominum (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1967, 2052, 2492
Laudibus in
sanctis (from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 120, 170, 207, 239, 303, 403,
1842, 1919, 1940, 1967, 2821, 3474, 3528
Libra me, Domine,
de morte aeterna (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 2492
Libra me, Domine,
et pone me (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 2492
Look down, O Lord,
on me: 2423
Lullaby, my sweet
little baby (solo): 252, (exc) 371, 526, 916, 1868, 1976, 3432
Magnificat (from Gradualia
1605): 2778
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “Second”: 359, 363, 2383, 2587, 3504
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “Great” or “Third”: 512, 1859, 2188, 2334, (M) 2505, 3132, (ND) 3528
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis “Short”: 221, (ND) 875, 2056, (M) 3051
Magnificat &
Nunc Dimitis (fauxbourdons, peregrinus): (ND) 606
Make ye joy to
God: 192, 2038
Mane vobiscum
Domine (from Gradualia 1605): 2778
Memento Domine
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 2935
Memento homo (= O
Lord give ear; from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1274, 2492
Memento salutis
auctor: 1283
Miserere mei, Deus
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 184, 250, 1109, 1396, 1842, 2577, 2653,
2727, 3481, 3521
Miserere mihi,
Domine (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 1887, 2492, 2499
My little sweet
darling: 1563, 1653
Ne irascaris
Domine (= O Lord, turn thy wrath; from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1872,
1886, 1937, 2052, 3217, 3272, 3566
Ne perdas cum
impiis: 1988
Non nobis Domine:
1254, 1809, 2340, 2603, 3407
Non vos relinquam orphanos (from Gradualia 1607): 598,
1273, 1919, 2652, 3127, 3514
Nunc Dimitis (from
Gradualia 1605): 1869, 3272
O admirabile
commertium (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140
O Christ who art
the light and day (fauxbourdons): 147
O Domine adjuva me
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 2935
O God give ear and
do apply: 1868
O God that guides
the cheerful sun (solo): 3432
O God, the proud
are risen: 1859
O God, whom our
offenses have justly displeased: 3127, 3528
O Lord, bow down
thine heavn’ly eyes (solo): 3531
O Lord give ear:
see Memento homo
O Lord God of
O Lord, how long
wilt thou forget (solo): 1868, 1912
O Lord, how vain
(solo): 1887, 3531
O Lord, make they
servant Elizabeth: 285, 432, 732, 1280, 1859, 3101, 3123, 3391
O Lord rebuke me
not: 19, 601, 2104, 3502
O Lord, turn thy
wrath: see Ne irascaris Domine
O lux beata
Trinitas (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1274, 1879, 2052, 2492, 2499
O magnum mysterium
(from Gradualia 1607): 694, 1280, 1510, 1919, 2097, 2140, 2209, 3586
O quam gloriosum
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 1940, 1974, 2052, 3272
O quam suavis (from
Gradualia 1607): 1919, 3033, 3514
O Rex gloriae (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
O sacrum convivium
(from Gradualia 1605): 1032, 1848, 1877, 2209, 3514
O salutaris
hostia: 2140
O salutaris hostia
(from Gradualia 1605): 1877, 3514
Oculi omnium (from
Gradualia 1605): 1848, 1877, 3033, 3514
Omni tempore
benedic Deum: 1988
Optiman partem
elegit (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 1880
Out of the deep:
see O Gibbons
Out of the orient
crystal skies (solo): 3175, 3531
Pange lingua (from
Gradualia 1607): 1930, 2803, 3514
Pascha nostrum
(from Gradualia 1607): 809, 1813, 1880, 2778, 3474
Passio Domini
Nostri Jesu Christe Secundum Johannem (from Gradualia 1605):
Peccantem me
quotidie (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 2492
Peccavi super
numerum: 1988
Petrus beatus: 2426
Plorans plorabit
(from Gradualia 1605): 1919, 2778
Post dies octo
(from Gradualia 1605): 2778
Post partum, Virgo
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2935
Praise our Lord,
all ye Gentiles (from Psalmes, Songs and Sonnets): 308, 740, 1919, 2038,
2090, 3132, 3526
Preces: 74, 221,
238, 359, 3036
Prevent us, O
Lord: 271, 2003, 2104, 2373, 2434, 2456, 2533, 3123, 3132
Propter veritatem
(from Gradualia 1605): 1880
Psallite Domino
(from Gradualia 1607): 9. 111, 189, 322, 3514
Puer natus est
nobis (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 1968, 2140
Quem terra
cantabimus: 1940, 2426
manducabitis (from Gradualia 1605): 1848, 1877, 3514
Recordare Domine
(from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 2052
Reges Tharsis et
insulae (in five parts): 2426
Reges Tharsis et
insulae (in four parts; from Gradualia 1607): 1968, 2426, 2634
Regina Caeli
laetare (from Gradualia 1607): 1880
Rejoice, rejoice
with heart and voice: 2390
Rejoice unto the
Lord (solo): 1878, 1940, 3432
Responsum acceptit
Simeon (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 3272
Resurrexit et
adhuc (from Gradualia 1607): 1813, 1880, 2778, 3474
Rorate coeli
desuper (from Gradualia 1605): 975, 1499, 1869, 1988, 2721, 2844, 3157
Sacerdotes Domini
(from Gradualia 1605): 37, 39, 121, 235, 775, 963, 1125, 1274, 1578,
1717, 1848, 1877, 1962, 2209, 2820, 2883, 3514
Sacris solemniis:
Salve sancta
parens (from Gradualia 1605): 1869
Senex puerum
portabat (in four parts; from Gradualia 1605): 26, 37, 975, 976, 1283,
2209, 2652, 3272, 3526
Senex puerum
portabat (in five parts; from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2252, 3272
Sicut audivimus
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869
Siderum rector,
Deus alma (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 1919, 2492
Sing joyfully: 39,
78, 135, 221, 233, 270, 381, 395, 422, 677, 740, 757, 804, 823, 844, 965, 1274,
1532, 1537, 1538, 1688, 1789, 1859, 1919, 2038, 2293, 2652, 2653, 2856, 2858,
2859, 2874, 2881, 2896, 2903, 3123, 3123, 3127, 3132, 3238, 3438, 3461
Solve, iubente Deo
(from Gradualia 1607): 1919
Speciosus forma
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2935
Spiritus Domini replevit (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
Surge, illuminare,
Suscepimus Deus
(gradual; from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 3272
Suscepimus Deus
(introit; from Gradualia 1605): 3272
Sweet was the song
“Earl of Salisbury Carol”: 1705
Te Deum “Great”:
1859, 2188
Te Deum “Short”:
Te lucis ante
terminum: 2426
Teach me, O Lord
(from Preces “Second”): 217, 227, 704, 842, 963, 1142, 1274, 1886, 2582, 3132,
3201, 3238
Terra tremuit
(from Gradualia 1607): 1813, 1880, 2778, 3474
The man is blest that
God doth fear (solo): 1912
This day Christ
was born: 124, 526, 2038
Timete Dominum
omnium sancti eius (from Gradualia 1605): 1890, 1967
Tollite portas,
principes (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 1988
Tribue, Domine, ut
donec (from Cantiones Sacrae 1575): 1879, 2052, 2196, 2492
Tribulatio proxima
est (from Cantiones Sacrae 1591): 1842
civitatum (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 2052, 3272
Tristitia et
anxietas (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 2935
Triumph wth pleasant
melody (solo): 1878, 1887
Tu es Petrus: 603
Tui sunt caeli
(from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140
Turn our captivity
(from Psalmes, Songs and Sonnets): 1919, 2038
Veni, Sancte
Spiritus et emitte (from Gradualia 1607): 1919, 3514
Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda (from Gradualia
1607): 37, 3514
Venite “Short”:
692, 1691
Venite “Great”:
1859, 2188
Victimae paschali
laudes (from Gradualia 1605): 2778, 3474
Victimae paschali
laudes (from Gradualia 1607): 200, 529, 1813, 1880
Vide Domine
afflictionem (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 1937, 2935
Vide Dominum
quoniam tribulor: 1988
Viderunt omnes
fines terrae “No. 1” (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140
Viderunt omnes
fines terrae “No. 2” (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140
Vidimus stellam
ejus in Oriente (from Gradualia 1607): 2426, 2634
Vigilate, nescitis
enim (from Cantiones Sacrae 1589): 960, 971, 1085, 1204, 1209, 1499,
1937, 1940, 2106, 2656, 2677, 2890, 3272
Virgo Dei genitrix
(from Gradualia 1605): 1869
Viri Galilei (from
Gradualia 1607): 1183, 3514
Visita, quaesumus
Domine (from Gradualia 1607): 1919
Vultum tuum
deprecabuntur (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 2935
Devotions to the
Blessed Sacrament: 3514
Propers for Advent
(from Gradualia 1605): 1988
Propers for
Ascension (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
Propers for All
Saints (from Gradualia 1605): 1890, 1967
Propers for
Christmas (from Gradualia 1607): 694, 2140
Propers for
Propers for Easter
Day (from Gradualia 1605, 1607): 2778, 3474
Propers for
Epiphany (from Gradualia 1607): 2426
Propers for Holy
Saturday Vespers (from Gradualia 1605): 2778
Propers for
Nativity of the Virgin, Annunciation, Visitation, Conception, Presentation,
Dedication of Our Lady of the Snow, Assumption (from Gradualia 1605):
1869, 2935
Propers for Pentecost (from Gradualia 1607): 3514
Propers for the
Purification (from Gradualia 1605): 1869, 3272
Byron, John
(1958- )
Ecclesiasticae: 1718
Byrt, John
(1940- )
Nowell sing we “All
and Some”: 984, 1728, 2017
Byttering: see Bittering
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